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We both hugged till we fell asleep.
It was dark.

There was no one to be seen, there was nothing.. there was only emptiness and the uneasy feeling that something was gonna happen
I walked around.. wanting to find something, someone, Anything!
I never liked the feeling of loneliness even then... I felt it was better to be alone than to be stabbed in the back or heart broken...
I kept walking and still... There was nothing.. just the uneasy feeling of fear.

I then heard a voice ... It was... Frisk..?
They were holding a knife..
"Frisk..? What are you-"
They suddenly stab themselves with no hesitation.. almost as if they actually wanted to do it.. they were forced to do it right? This can't be real! Tears started to overflow from my eyes.. I just couldn't believe it.. would they actually do something like that? Was it my fault..?

I couldn't find words to describe the pain I was feeling but it felt like a dagger to my heart.. do i.. actually care about them? .. I haven't cared about anyone in a while... But this surely hurt me.

"F-frisk.." I continued to cry.. I walked towards their soulless looking body and hugged it while I cried my eyes out.

Why did you do it..?
Don't leave me...
I don't want to lose anyone else
I need you...
I don't understand...
Why would they do it..?
Was it because of how they felt..? But.. they looked so cheerful.. were they hurting deep inside..?
Was it perhaps my fault..?
Was it me that lead them to death?
Maybe if I wasn't here..
This would of never happened..
If I wasn't here ..
"Don't leave me.."
"I need you... I care about you.."
"Please stay.. I'm sorry"
"I'm sorry if I caused you to do this!"
"Will you ever forgive me...?"

More tears then started to fall from my eyes.. I felt so much pain... The kind of pain I hadn't experienced since I was small...
My crying was getting louder and the tears just wouldn't stop falling down
I was scared, I was gonna be alone again.. I don't want to be alone..
I continued to cry..
I then open my eyes to find a worried frisk next to me.. was it all a dream..?

"Chara ... Are you okay..? You were crying in your sleep...what happened..?"
I then hug them tightly and more tears start to fall down my eyes

"Shh... It's okay... I'm here now.. you're fine.."
Frisk said while hugging me back and brushing my hair softly

".. Don't leave me.."

"Leave you..?"

Frisk stood there in silence while still hugging me

"I promise I won't leave you... I'll be here for you, okay?
"You don't need to worry... Just.. ..take a deep breath and try to calm down"

I took a deep breath and tried to calm down... Either way.. there's no guarantee that frisk won't leave.. what if all this is actually an act..? .. is it okay to trust them..? I cried in front of them... Now they see me as someone weak...maybe they will take advantage of that..but.. well that's my trust issues talking...but still.. I shouldn't trust them too much, they could easily hurt me if they wanted to

"Are you a bit better now?"
They continued to pat my head softly

"Yeah... I'm feeling better"

"Now let's go, Toriel might have some pie ready for us"
She gave off a smile and afterwards got up from bed and I followed

Toriel: "Morning Children, How was your sleep?"

Frisk: "It was good! I was rather exhausted..haha"

Chara: " it was good..."

Toriel: "well... I made some pie for both of you, It's at the table.. I hope you like it"

Frisk: " YAY PIE!"
frisk went and sat down and started eating the pie

Chara: " Wow ... You really are hungry"

Frisk: " as if you're any different! Hurry up and eat"

Chara: "fine"
I sat down and started to eat Mom's Pie

Frisk: Hey, Goat mom?

Did they seriously just call them Goat mom??? Seriously frisk!

Toriel: " what is it Child?"

Frisk: " I know it might seem rude and.. we just got here but.."

Where is this getting at?

Frisk: " We need to leave the ruins.."

Toriel: " but..... Hey! I have a book of snails that I think both of you would find interesting, want to read it?"

Frisk: " I'm sorry but we need to leave.."

Toriel: " I've actually prepared an education curriculum for you both, this might come as a surprise but I actually want to be a teacher"

Mom as a teacher... I can actually see that, it's a good fit for her

Frisk: " How do we leav-"

Toriel: " excuse me.. I have something to do .."

Toriel then left and went downstairs

Chara: " frisk! What was that for!?"

Frisk: " We still need to free the Monsters! And if we stay here then there's no way we will get to do that!"

Chara: "....."

Frisk: "don't worry... After we fight Toriel-"

Chara: "We're gonna Fight Mom!? Are you serious? I don't want her to get hurt!"

Frisk: " she won't... Don't worry I won't lay a finger on her, let's just follow her"

Chara: " alright..."

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