Feelings obtained

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A Skeleton then approached, it was different than sans, it had different style and it was taller than him..

It was ...

The bigger skeleton was getting closer and I pulled chara into a conveniently shaped lamp. The skeleton Then started arguing? With sans, something about puzzles and that he was too lazy to ever catch a human
The skeleton left with a "NYEH"

" well that was something"
Chara said facing me and smiling a bit annoyed at some of the puns sans had said

" well, you kiddos better get going or else you'll have to stand over some more hilarious puns"
He gave us a Wink and then walked the opposite direction

We continued walking and we encountered Sans and Papyrus a lot, We had to do some puzzles but we decided to rest before continuing
We lay down on the snow.

"these puzzles are making me so tired.."

"I thought you said they were easy"

" They are! That but that doesn't mean I don't get tired"

" hmm.."
I get up and lay on chara's lap

"umm.. Fr-"

" is it okay with you..?"

" huh? OH yeah! Don't worry"

"alright.. Thank you"

"you're welcome"

We stay there silently.. only the cold breeze could be heard, Chara had started to fall asleep so i got closer and hugged them so that neither of us could feel cold.

"Hmm.. Frisk.."
Chara said half asleep

" yeah.. What is it ..?"

" I care about you.."
She mumbled those words but it was still easy to hear them


No response

"... I Charabout you too"

I began to laugh a bit to my joke as the warm hug pulled me into sleep.


we continued walking and solving all the puzzles until we encountered papyrus for battle.

( Chara's POV)

Frisk and I entered a battle with papyrus, he was throwing bones at us while we did our best to dodge them
Frisk was the one doing all the talking or... Should I say flirting..?
I don't really understand how they can easily flirt with someone they hardly know, it actually makes me kinda.. Sad..? Angry...? .. Is this jealously? No, no.. It can't be, I hardly know them... I better keep a distance from them.. I don't want to end up catching feelings.

The battle ended with papyrus inviting frisk for a date.. And I was gonna be the third wheel



"How is it that you flirt every time you get a chance?"

" what do you mean?"

" I mean... You hardly know any of them, do you actually mean it? For example.. Papyrus"

" hmm.. I guess it comes as a natural talent of mine~"


" but to answer your question... Hmm.. I don't know, I've never actually liked anyone so I don't know the feeling of liking someone, I just do it for fun"

" and play with their feelings..?"

" Wh- NO! of course not! Let me remind you that I've gone through this path at least once, papyrus only sees me as a friend"

" uhh... Ok"

"He will be fineee, you'll see"

" alright.."
DATING ST- over..?

Frisk was right, Papyrus ended up rejecting them.. I feel relief at the thought of it.

We continue to walk and then we end up in a place with crystals on the ceiling and beautiful echo flowers, se sat near a waterfall and stare at the "stars"

"so.. Chara.. I said i had never liked anyone.. Correct?"


"have you ever liked someone?"

" uhh... Well... To be honest i never really liked anyone up in the surface... They were all so... Um.. Well, I never even had a friend in the surface, it was as if everyone just thought about themselves and nothing else"

" hmm.. I guess you didn't have the best life up there..?"


" Well Then.... I'll be your friend!"


" SHUSH I've made my decision! I'll be your friend and I'll STICK with you till the very end!"

Frisk chuckled as they were holding a stick. I roll my eyes a bit annoyed but glad at what they had said

" it won't be that easy"

"I know! And I'll prepare for everything and try to be there for you even on your worst days, so don't worry"

" if that's what you want.."

"and what do you want?"

" I..."
"I also want to be with you till the very end"

We look at each other and smile

Frisk will be with you till the very end

It fills you with DETERMINATION
.. But can I really trust them?

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