I'm here

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We walked to the door ringing the doorbell because of me forgetting such important and necessary thing that was needed in order to get inside

We waited for a few seconds before the door shot open with a worried and concerned goat

"Where were you!? You aren't supposed to go out this late!"

"I- I'm sorry! I just needed to get something!"

"And what's so important that you took so long in coming back?"

i stayed silent as I turned to look at Chara which made Mom turn to look at them too causing them to be in disbelief

"Child.. how did you do this..?"

"I..uhm.. "

"Let's get inside first.. it's getting cold out here"

We followed Mom inside and  panic rised inside of me

I'm guessing it was noticeable since the next thing I knew Chara was holding my hand forming circles with their finger as they tried to comfort me which worked pretty well

"So, mind explaining?"

I took a deep breath as I started to explain to her What had happened

After explaining i could feel myself slightly shaking causing Chara to squeeze my hand in reassurance

"I see.. even though I'm Happy that Chara is back.. your actions where irresponsible and you could've gotten seriously hurt because of it"

"I'm sorry.."

I looked at the floor feeling guilty and in the verge of tears when I suddenly felt a pair of soft paws making me rise my head

"Even if it was irresponsible, you managed to come back safe and sound.. you are so brave my child and i appreciate what you did but please never do anything as reckless as that again and ask for help instead"


"I'll have to contact Alphys to check on both of you due to the soul splitting.. I don't know if it has side effects so it's better to have an expert deal with it now.. go to sleep you must be tired my children"

"Thanks mom"

"You're welcome, now go to bed"

We did just as we were told and headed to the bedroom

Chara hadn't let go of my hand which I found kind of strange but I shrugged it off thinking they didn't even notice it

As we entered the room we were greeted by soft snores coming from the yellow flower that was near the window

I turned my gaze at Chara telling them that i was gonna change in the bathroom and they could grab whatever clothes they wanted receiving a Nod in return as I let go of Chara's hand

Them making a pouty face as I walked in to the bathroom

*Chara's POV*

I made a pouty face once frisk let go of my hand as I craved for us to stay like that for a bit longer

Unfortunately frisk didn't notice and went straight to the bathroom after graving their clothes

I sighed in disappointment as I turned my gaze to the closet and graved some comfy shorts and a cozy sweater to wear for the night

After changing my mind started to wander off while waiting for Frisk to come out

I was still not over them which I thought was crystal clear but by Frisk's reactions so far it seemed like they didn't care or they were just too oblivious to notice

frisk has changed a bit ever since we last saw each other.. they seem more on edge and anxious

Is it possible for it to be something serious?

My thoughts got cut off my the bathroom door opening and closing in which I noticed frisk approaching me

"I'll sleep on the chair"

I said marking sure they wouldn't be uncomfortable with my presence as I stood up from the bed and headed to the chair right beside the window

"Are you sure..?"

"Yes, now get some rest"

"Alright.. Night night Chara"

"Goodnight frisk"

I looked at the clock checking the time : 12:23

I got comfortable on the chair and started to doze off into sleep


My eyes slowly opened at the sound of small whines and sniffles which I quickly turned to see where it was coming from

I stood up walking towards Frisk's bed to check on what was happening

"Hey.. are you okay?"

I whispered to them as I slowly brushed their hair against my fingers

Them letting out more sniffles as tears continued to fall down their face

"Would you like me to sleep with you tonight..?"

I asked still brushing their hair softly trying to get them to calm down

Frisk responded with a slight nod and started to make space for me

I got inside the bed grabbing a blanket in the process and placing it on top of both of us

Frisk stared at me with their puffy eyes till they got closer to my chest making me flinch from the sudden response but slowly putting an arm around them and hugging them to make them feel better

they continued to cry burying their head on my chest making me tighten the hug without saying anything as they slowly went back to sleep.

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