The memory of you

702 14 12

*Frisk's POV*

I stared at the spot where Chara was once standing
Not knowing if they were still there or if they completely vanished from existence

Tears running down my cheeks as the thought of Chara disappearing replaying over and over in my head
Listening to their words over and over

I stoop there for a while
Everyone already starting to go they're own separate ways

"Hey frisk"

I looked down to the flower that was still in the pot i was holding

"Are you gonna stay here crying like the big baby you are or are we gonna leave?"

I stared at them with a blank expression then smiled at them as always

"You're right, we should go"


We headed to where Toriel was standing

"Ready to go my child?"

"Yes, let's go Mom"

She gave me a soft smile as she took my hand and led me to my new home

Time skip brought to you by temmie flakes

It had been 5 months since the barrier had been broken

Not much had changed besides more monsters moving up to the surface
Mom got a two floor house with a garden outside in the backyard

Her and Asgore started to talk more and try to Atleast get along, it's still hard for the both of them but Atleast they're trying they're best

Flowey started acting less heartless towards me even though he still has a hard time adapting to other people you can easily see how much he wants to change for the better

And me..? I... I haven't changed much Atleast i think I haven't.. i obviously grew up in these past months and some of my tastes have changed, my hair grew longer than the shoulder length i had before

Gosh, i really need to cut it some day otherwise I will be mistaken for a girl
The thing i identified as for the longest period of my life till I discovered who i truly was
Yep, better cut it short again

Even after all the things that have changed around me I still haven't gotten over Chara it's been months since I talked to them or even seen them

In the past I had problems with controlling my emotions, strong ones to be exact

Recently I've been getting bad "panic attacks" i don't know if it had anything to do with the underground or if it's consequence of my past

I honestly believe it isn't anything serious.. i mean, there's nothing I have to worry about

And it's not like my past left any trauma so I'm doing fine

Even so.. the feeling of emptiness overwhelms me i panic at the thought of it

I can still feel things but it feels as if they turned numb

Maybe I'm overthinking this
I usually overthink so it could be a possibility that i have nothing wrong going on I'm just.. missing someone

Then again.. Did they really vanish? Or are they somewhere in the underground? it could be a possibility and I'm certain that it might be true

But even if I do find will I help them? I can't just.. bring them here with me the could desappear without owning a..

A soul..

"That's it!"

I got up from my bed and put on my backpack

"What's it? And what are you doing?"



we both stared with at each other a bit startled

"Why did you scream?"

"Because you screamed you idiot!"

"Sorry flowey"

"Where are you going anyways?"

"Oh- uhm.."


"I'm going out for a small hike"



"Didn't you just get out of a mountain a few months ago???"



"You aren't planning on search for-"


i shut the door after I left the room

That was insanely close-
I got past the kitchen then living room slowly leaving the house and heading towards the mountain where this all began

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