Chapter 2 abilities run wild

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I scanned her blade with a half smile on my face it was a special blade made with the chemical Xenic the very same chemical that gave me my powers and it seemed this girl who was waving it about had abilities too just that it wasn't inside her body. "Chloe" the man started but she raised her hand to silence him "no Jake I will not allow my fathers killer to run free" she hissed preparing her next attack. I sighed outstretching my hand where a pale blue light formed "do you really wanna do this?" I asked looking at their shocked faces. The girl quickly snapped out of it "your fancy tricks won't work on me" she snapped tightening her grip on the blade until her knuckles were white. "Oh you think this is a trick?" I asked clicking my fingers until a gun formed through the blue light "oh and yes it can kill you" I added forming a knife with my other hand matching my opponent's. The girl gritted her teeth ready to strike I just stood there studying her pose trying to determine what move she was going to make next.

It seemed her first move was a side slash which I managed to dodge slightly but it was unsuccessful as the blade caught my leg causing a jolt of pain to run through me making me hiss. I took a quick glance at my leg. Sure enough there was a rip in my jeans where blade had been and an injury oozing blood thankfully it didn't look too deep so I wouldn't die from blood loss at least. I quickly fired with my gun and caught her straight in the chest. The man looked astonished at my quick response I took a glance at him "you wanna end up like her?" I asked as he quickly shook his head and ran away. As I walked towards the girl I stopped to stare at her as she coughed up blood. "Bloody coward" she muttered glancing at his direction before turning to face me "you give dying wishes right?" She asked with every shaky breath she took. I nodded "my dying wish see the face of my fathers killer" I looked around me checking for any spies or passerbys. I took off my hood at stared at her for me time seemed to suddenly freeze as I stood there gazing down upon a young woman laying on the ground staring straight back at me with her chocolate brown eyes a sad look fleeted across her face for a second before it was replaced with no emotion at all. "So it was you...I...thought so..."she murmered as her brown eyes fluttered shut. "Yeah it was" I muttered to her corpse, I put my hand to my earpiece "Luke?" I called awaiting a reply soon enough Luke's voice came through the earpiece "yeah?" Intruders have been taken out first intruder suffered fatal wounds to the chest from a bullet fired from me...second retreated." I finally said taking a second look at the girl's body the knife still enclasped in her pale white hand "also gonna report in a weapon" I added kneeling down gently uncurling her hand to retrieve the knife.

"What kind?" He asked as I could hear him typing up a report already. Thing was once we killed someone we had to create a special report for them to store in our files mostly to keep track of our progress. "Weapon is a knife covered in Xenic and I have a shallow wound from this weapon" I said gazing back down to my leg. The adrenaline was wearing off by now and a dull pain was going throughout my leg. "Do you know the identity of the intruders" Luke asked the constant taps from the keyboard in the background hinting that he was halfway through the report. "The deceased yes and the one who ran away no but the conversation they was having hinted that he was of lower class than the deceased and the garments they was wearing" I said biting my lip the pain was getting worse it felt like my whole leg was aflame and hot pokers was being eased into the flesh. "Alright all I need is names and then we can go grab Narim to fix you up, how is the injury?" He asked sounding worried "really bad I'd love to describe it to you in vivid detail but I'm in too much pain to do so" I said rolling my eyes as I limped towards the entrance "the name of the deceased is Chloe the daughter of that enterprises manager I think and the other Jake...ugh something or other beginning with a J" I said through gritted teeth my mind was unfocused due to the amount of pain I was in. "Alright done I'll quickly inform Narim of your injuries so she can start to prep up." I sighed in relief "thanks Luke Jess out" as I quickly put in the pass code to gain entry to the base once more.

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