Chapter 9 Plan in action

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I stared at the figure running towards me before I soon saw my vision haze and everything became a blur. Soon the whole world was spinning around me intil I finally felt my whole body collapse.

"Is she going to be ok?" I heards voices mutter to each other worried. "Well she was standing when I was running but when I got there already she was unconsious." Came another voice this one didn't sound as worried but all I could gather from the voice was that it was male and seemed uncaring, so this was my rescuer. Charming. Sadly I couldn't see anything my eyelids refused to open they felt like someone had clamped them shut. "She'll be fine she isn't suffering from blood loss which was my first thought, rather she's suffering from an overuse of her powers." This had to be Narim the voice was barely above a whisper.

Soon silence fell, it seemed like forever until another voice spoke up "well we'll just have to wait until Jess wakes up and tells us what happened." Said my rescuer's voice I swore I had heard it before just who could it be? "Are you serious Rick? No one knows when she will wake up!" Harriet's voice boomed around the room her voice was filled with annoyance.  Aha! So Rick was the one who saved me...huh never thought that guy would be the saving type. "What I'm wondering is why Jess was in the city?" Narim seemed to murmer. The room was filled with a stunned silence "are you serious? Narim Jess can't even get close to the city without getting hunted down by Apital arms!"

"No I think she managed to get to the outskirts of the Apital city, but got hunted by trained Crawlers."

"This explains the Crawler marks on her body." Harriet added.

"Exactly then what I think was she was in a pinch, so her body on its own activated some kind of defence mechanism, releasing her power all in one go."

"Explaining the over exhaustion resulting to her to fall unconsious to regain her strength. I presume another little body mechanism of her's?" At the last sentance Rick sounded almost mocking if I was awake then I would've killed him by now.
"Rick shutup!" Harriet snapped as footsteps  stormed out of the room followed by a quiet one Narim seemed to walk out too.

"I don't see how you can pull a trick off in the meeting room without a sweat, but then pull the same trick again yet fall unconsious!"

Was he talking to me? I presumed he was, as I could feel a gaze upon me. Ugh I wish I could wake up! Soon I felt a hand upon my own. What is he up to? I felt one of my fingertips twitch under his touch. He seemed to feel this too as he quickly retracted his hand away, followed by a ring on his phone.

"Hello?" There was a pause.

"Right I can't right now....what do you mean why, she's unconscious!"

I was curious on who he was talking to as the "she's unconsious but I can't harvest it from her yet" obviously meant me. "I don't care if you don't have time!" Rick seemed to command his voice strict. He must've been talking to one of his colleagues or members. Soon enough he too walked out still talking on the phone.  He was definitely up to something and I was definitely going to kill him for it.

It seemed like days for how I was unconsious. To pass the time I would daydream, as it was the only thing I could do and kind of sleep I guess it was strange my body had refused to move, leaving me to my thoughts. During the day I would hear Narim's quiet footsteps around my body tending to my wounds and checking my vitals, sometimes humming a unknown tune. During the night I heard the hum of the machines and the tick of the clock that sat next to my bedside.

Finally one day I managed to wake up. My body started to give signs of movement, first my fingers started to move, it was slow but it was still movement all the same. And soon enough my eyes begun to flutter open. Soon footsteps came into the room, it was Narim she looked at me then back at the prepared equipment. Soon seeing the fact that I was awake she looked back to me again and made a small gasp. I couldn't help but chuckle. "Y-your awake" Narim seemed to stutter I smiled nodding my head as my throat felt like sand paper I tried to speak but only a harsh whisper came out, I pretty much sounded like a zombie, I frowned on this little situation I was in. Seeing this Narim quickly scuttled towards the tap and grabbed a glass before pouring the water in and giving it to me. "Here" she said handing it to me, I gratefully took it and drunk it all in one go. A few coughs later my voice was back (still sounded feeble) and as soon as it was Harriet burst into the room. "Jess! Your back great!" I nodded my head, Harriet frowned "why isn't she talking?" She pointed towards me. I rolled my eyes annoyed "I can just that I'm having a little trouble with sounding normal. So please if there are aby inconveniences with my voice don't hesitate to tell me." I said my voice dripping with sarcasm. My voice hadn't fully returned as it still felt like I was somewhat croaking.

She threw back her blonde hair and laughed "alright the inconvenience with your voice is that you sound like an old woman!" She said between giggles. I made a face at her comment making her laugh harder. "Wow do I really sound like that?" I murmered looking towards Narim she made a hesitant nod. Hearing this I clamped my hands around my mouth looking down at my shoes. "Aw its not that bad just a little hoarse" Harriet said with a comforting didn't help. Harriet saw this from me glaring at her making her give me a grin.

"Oh she wakes." Rick said walking in the room a warm smile on his face he's acting nice all of a sudden. a few coughs and I spoke "save it I heard what you said." This turned his smile into a frown as he did this I indicated for Harriet and Narim to leave. They did so without argument as I shifted my gaze to him glaring. "I don't understand what you mean" he said innocently "really? Then tell me about this 'harvesting' you're meant to do."

"I know nothing of it."

"You're lying you said she's unconsious I can't harvest it from her yet."

This caught him as he snarled his next words "there are some things people like you shouldn't know!" I gave him the same treatment "well it's my body so if you're going to do any harvesting that includes it my body...think again." My voice seemed normal and made me seem more threatening in which was what I wanted to achieve.

"I'm leaving" he announced turning on his heel and storming out of the door."

"What are you up to Rick? Because from what I can tell it isnt good."

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