Chapter 3 Medic

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I limped inside the base scanning around for any other people that may be around I hated looking weak. Once I saw it was all clear as far as I could see I proceeded towards the medical thankfully Luke had contacted Narim or she would've constantly been prodding me and probing me trying to find the source of the problem. Limping into the medical room I headed for the bed to lie down my leg was killing me at this point and putting more weight on my leg would just make it worse I sighed taking out the knife and examining it slowly. As far as I could tell it was just a blade with some Xenic inside but a gut feeling told me that it was something more. Narims sudden in burst disrupted me from my thoughts I quickly put the knife back into my hoodie pocket "Narim!" I said agast "you're here!" Narim gave me a look she was a silent girl and never really spoke her opinions out rather just stood there in silence her long blonde hair that came down to her waist swayed as she moved about. Her speckled bright sapphire blue eyes always looked like she was in deep thought I can remember the time we first met the only words she actually said to me was "green eyes" at the time I was wondering why she spoke about my eye colour until I realised that in this city I was the only person who had green eyes everyone else's was a different colour Xenic made that possible but no one ever seemed to want green eyes I didn't know why I didn't care either.

Narim cautiously studied the wound her hands gently rolling up the fabric of my jeans leg where the wound was. "It's doesn't hurt that much" I said wincing as she ran her finger across the wound where a holographic screen soon popped up, explaining the damage to my leg. "Liar" she said staring at me even her voice matched her silent personality always almost above a whisper. "Show me" she said pointing to my pockets I knew she was talking about the blade nothing went passed her. I reluctantly took it out "Xenic is forged inside of it" I said as she carefully took the blade. "Hmm..." Narim studied the knife watching the light hit off its surface "ah I know what this is they used this back in my home land this is the last of its kind" she murmured feeling the blade with the pad of her thumb. This was not Narim first off she was talking more than usual secondly she never spoke about her home land not after it was...destroyed. She was silent for a moment till she choked out a sob ok so this was Narim after all. "Narim?" I asked sitting up she spun around tears falling down her cheeks "I-I" was all she managed to say before she broke down in tears kneeling on the floor the blade filled with droplets of her tears. I quickly got up to comfort her  "Narim I'm so sorr-" was all I managed to say before the blade begun to glow with a dark red light me and Narim stared at the blade for a second before everything went black.

"Ow" I winced looking at my leg again the pain was worsening "great" I muttered scanning around me nothing there only white except Narim sprawled unconscious to my right. "Narim!" I gasped running towards her, kneeling beside her I checked her body for any injuries. "Ah!" Was the only sound Narim made before she quickly stood up. Due to hear quick reaction I ended up falling backwards I sighed for a second just lying there closing my eyes trying to ignore the pain. "Narim" I choked out to her "this leg injury can you please fix it up?" I asked gritting my teeth once more. Narim spun around to me "sorry Jess" she mumbled getting out her medkit advanced that was hooked around her thin waist. As she treated to my leg she explained why she acted like this "you see this is the place I've seen only in my dreams it is a sign of something I always thought that but I didn't know of what. At some point I'd see a ghost of a woman, well I think it is a ghost and after that I wake up." She said quietly now bandaging my leg carefully "what am I in your dreams now?" Said chuckling but she simply carried on with her work until "yes I see you" I stared at her for a few moments surely she was lying Xenic can give many abilities but foreseeing the future? Can't be. "Ah the prophet" came a shallow whisper "and the protagonist of this legend soon to begin" both me and Narim stared out into the whiteness until surely there was a ghost figure of a a woman gliding towards us her features; full lipped, pasty white skin, coal black eyes that stared out to nothingness as if we wasn't there. "Wh-who are you?" I managed ask feeling like a fool for stuttering in front of Narim I hated looking weak always I had to be strong I had to in order to protect the ones that I cared for. "I am that of another world an entity if you may...hush now I am here to tell you of your roles and to guide you to your revolution. I stood up staring at his strange figure.

"Let me show you your legend" she said before my vision filled with black once more. I felt myself floating watching a scene play before my eyes watching Xenisists people like me who had been tested by this disastardly chemical I wasn't the only one who escaped then again they was testing other subjects to improve Xenic upgrading its properties. I saw them hiding, shivering in the harsh rain huddling up in an attempt to keep warm. Soon the private army of the dictator was here meaning he was here. I watched in horror as they killed all of them with guns hidden in the black hooded cloaks they wore. What I didn't notice was a little child was standing there crying, shivering tears streaming down their cheeks the colour blue due to the Xenic inside. The men looked towards the shadowy silhouette staring a the child oh god it was him. With a nod of his bed the men advanced towards the frightened child. I squeezed my eyes shut hearing a gunshot echo throughout my mind. Sunlight streaked into my vision  and trees whizzed past me as soon a I had the courage to open them I was flying? "Wha" was all I managed to say before that ghost woman's voice filled my mind. "This land is yearning for a revolution and you're going to lead it. You have no choice it is embedded  into your fate, if this continues then more of these things you've just seen will continue!" Black covered my vision again  I was back in the white space. "The prophet shall be your guide and your friends will help you all you must do is unite the rebellious groups and destroy the tyrant that rules over this land. Now go!" Was all I heard before I found myself back in the base's medical room.  On the cold floor lying beside me was Narim breathing softly.

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