Chapter 5 Plans made and hidden pathways

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"My idea is that we distract the guards for long enough to get into the territory not in the house that won't work." The men nodded their heads in agreement "I'll get my men to distract them by pickpocketing" Rick said Durvock shook his head "no pickpockets will get killed by fast men with fast swords we create a distraction with my men; battling is their thing and they will lay down their lives for the cause." I nodded "I hate to admit it but he's got a point I've tried that method before it didn't end well we had many casulties that day." I said frowning "we could use the mercenaries as a distraction and use pickpockets to get information that we need perhaps a layout of where the guards take patrol?"

I asked facing Rick who had been listening closely "yeah I think I can do that." He said standing up "I'll go get them prepared I assume you gentlemen and Durvock would do the same" he nodded to me "goodbye" he said as he walked out of the room "rude man" Durvock huffed as he followed him out "I will contact little girly soon" was all he said before he too walked out. Eric finally stood up "I suppose I could get infromation on what is going on in the political world" he said before he left.

I leant back in my chair a thoughtful expression crossing my face. "Interesting set of people when shown power above their own they instantly oblige how funny" I mused chuckling to myself. "Naturally you scared them" Harriet said looking towards me. "Why did you want to form an alliance with them anyway?" She asked frowning whilst cocking her head to the side. "Well we need more power and people and I doubt we're going to get any public help." I said finally getting up from my seat "I'll need to see that house plan structure again" I said starting to walk to the exit "yes" Harriet simply said preparing the computer.

I walked out of the room my head full of thoughts. 'I think I should just go to my room' I thought humming to myself as I headed to my room. It wasn't till I got into my pajamas and laid down in bed that I was really tired as I fell into a blissful sleep.

"Should we really wake her?" I heard a familiar voice near me "I really do think it's a terrible idea. I mean if we wake her up she'll be guns blazing..." their voice seemed to trail off a bit before adding "litrally" I could feel an exasperated sigh from another person however this person was a little further away. "I don't care wake her up." This was kind of creepy and everything screamed at me I was going to get kidnapped. I instantly forced myself to litrally jump out of bed and pin the person nearest to me against a wall a holographic knife in my hands against the intruder's throat.

"Oh you got to be kidding me!" I yelled pushing myself off Daniel as I clicked my fingers making the knife disappear. "Sorry! We didn't know that you'd be slicing Daniel's throat instead" Craig the other person who was leaning against the door frame chuckling when Daniel did a rude gesture towards him. Daniel had short black hair that matched his brown eyes that had a dull gleam to them making him look like he was tired all the time, his olive skin was now slightly clammy due to the panic attack he just had. He was wearing a causual t-shirt that had some sort of band logo on it and dark blue jeans and to top it all off he wore trainers to complete his casual look. Craig on the other hand was bald and had grey, brown like eyes that gave him a studious look he was black and proud of it due to the racial inequality that grew in the city he decided to join the cause and helped start the cause too. In hope that racial equality could be re established.

Unlike other people in the group Craig was one of my favourite people in fact he was the first person to join the cause. Actually when all that happened five years ago he was the one who found me and offered to join and help me build the rebel group he was like a father figure to me and mostly treated me like his daughter. I gave a smile towards Craig "what is it you wanted me to see?" I asked relaxing my body a bit. "There's news that a person wants to join the cause though they say they want to talk to you personally. I winced as he said this I had alot of enemies that tried to trick their way into the group and the only way I could see they wasn't a spy was using a special machine that allowed to look through memories of one's past and that ran on the chemical Xenic. "Perfect" I muttered rolling my eyes "tell them I'll be there soon to run the test but I want you to do a full search to check if they got any weapons and a search for Xenic anywhere in their body system." I commanded opening my wardrobe "please leave I've got to get dressed" I said politely. Both nodded and left me in silence. I quickly turned around and went into the bathroom adjant to my room it only had a shower, toilet and a sink and the room was rather small...not that it bothered me much I got undressed and quickly went into the shower I waved my hand over the motion sensor to turn on the shower quickly I felt the warm water fall on my body.

Getting out and grabbing a towel to wrap around me I shuffled to my wardrobe and frowned wondering what to wear. Until I heard a frantic knocking and Kyle burst in "sorry Jess just that..." his voice trailed off his eyes glazing over my body his mouth wide open. He was staring for quite a while as I stood there raising my eyebrows at him I asked "you done checking me out?" I asked putting my hands on my hips cocking my head to the side "or do you need a little more time?" I asked my voice getting more annoyed. "Hm? Yeah" he said not focusing his eyes too busy staring at my breasts. I felt blood rush to my cheeks "Kyle!" I yelled making him snap out of his hypnosis. "What?! Yes!" Kyle said alarmed a blush tinting on his face "are you done?" I asked giving him a warning look "yes" he said his head drooping "sorry" he said as he turned to walk out he added "totally would've taken a picture...oh well guess it's a mental one" he said winking. And for that a gunshot echoed around the hallway that lead to my room and curses followed through with it. "What you thought you'd get away without punishment?!" I shouted smirking to myself.

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