Chapter 11 Crash and Burn

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As we came to a stop I stumbled out of tje car "I feel sick" I said covering my mouth with my hand. "it's because your not used to this kind of vehicle, might want to go in. Be careful it looks like the guards at this party are doing eye recognition." Luke mentioned jabbing a thumb over to the guards who seemed to be scanning each eye of the guests before letting them through. "Damn" I hissed, I knew I was going to caught the Xenic inside me was mutated giving me these powers. And any sign of the mutated chemical meant a notification to the dictator's private army to eliminate the source.

However it was only a few guards scanning. A hidden blade would work without raising suspicion. Luckily Rick had mentioned at some point during the journey, that he had a couple of those people with such a blade, nodding at him he silently signalled them to kill the guards. Soon enough the guards crumpled to the floor, positioned as if they was just sleeping on the job, as both me and Rick snuck into the masquerade. Classical music played in the background as the mutter of noblemen and women filled the hall, clinking of glasses as some took drinks from the waiters and waitresses. The room was grand, large scupltures attatched to the large walls and intricate designs filled the columns gold and silver flakes coloured the designs.

Soon silence filled the room, I paused looking around as the lights dimmed and a spotlight lit the middle of a grand staircase as a man with black hair dressed in a suit wearing what seemed to be a theatre mask of the frowning face spoke. Target acquired. "Ladies and gentlemen welcome to my masquerade! I do hope you all enjoy yourselves my friends, after all it is a party!" The crowd cheered and applauded as soon as he mentioned the word party. "As you all know it is my son's birthday, seventeen he is today!" I rolled my eyes really a huge masquerade full of people is a proper way to celebrate a seventeen year old boy's birthday? I thought something more interesting would suffice... but fine. The crowd went wild "please give your uttermost love to my son, Nathan!" No. Was my immediate response as the crowd applauded and screamed as a dirty blonde haired boy walked down the stairs wearing what seemed to be highwayman's mask? Girls seemed to swoon...god was this annoying already. His eyes scanned the crowd with a frown on his face, "thank you all for your support to my father's cause" Nathan stated formally, boredness resounded in his voice. 'Well at least look thankful' I thought trying harder to listen to the formal greeting. It seemed Nathan was still scanning the crowd as he spoke, until or what I thought he spotted me his frown creasing into a smile.

"You may continue" his father finished, walking down the stairs alongside Nathan. When both were lost in the crowd, I motioned over to Rick "create a diversion and make it so I can kill the target with ease, I'd rather avoid a fight." I whispered, nodding his head Rick replied "it'll take awhile" before he left in silence. The music changed and people begun dancing, I stood bored watching the women giggle as the men led them to the dance floor. "Miss may I ask you for a dance?" A male voice asked, jumping in shock I turned around to find the boy Nathan standing behind me smiling his hand outstretched.

Crap. No I don't want to dance with you in fact I need to kill your father...oh if only it was that easy! "o-of course!" I squeaked as he lead me to the dance floor. Damn it what have I gotten myself into? Why do I appear weak in this situation?! The both of us began dancing Nathan leaned in and whispered in my ear "I know who you are" he leant back snickering I gave him my usual challenging smile "really now? Who am I then?"

"Who else than the infamous Jessica, the only surviving test subject of project Firefly."

"Oh someone did their history, now do you know why I am here?"

"To kill my father correct?" I gave him a look of surprise...interesting.

"Correct, do you know why?" He raised an eyebrow.

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