Chapter 12 Ambush

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I had drifted off into a blissful slumber as my body begun to sag all I seemed to remember was the patter of the rain, starting to steadily beat on the window of the car and the words telling me not to sleep. "But I'm too...too tired" I mumble not really paying attention to whom I was talking to "don't bother she's way too far to snap out of it now we'll see if Narim can help her" another voice started probably Luke I thought my head gently resting on the cool glass feeling my head become light and dark blotches started to cover my vision. Not long before I heard my name called out.

I jumped up out of bed... How long was I out? What happened? All these questions were swirling in my mind, latching on to me. Narim scuttled in a few minutes later grabbing a few medical supplies giving me a quick panicked glance before hurrying out again. My gaze followed her out confused...what was going on? Why did Narim look so panicked? Looking at the doorway Narim seemed to run out from i picked myself up and stood on the ground wincing on the impact from my new wound. Steadily walking towards the door it opened under a red glow...that only meant one thing..."ambush" I hissed cursing as hobbled through the doorway and came into the communications room "Harriet what's going on report now!" i demanded as she quickly jumped out of her seat "well the kings personal army found our hideout" she started looking down to the floor "how? We took every precaution not to!" I shouted the bleebing noise starting muting any other background noise. "Well one of us" Harriet glared at a young boy around thirteen with short blonde hair and a child like face making him innocent, and the guilty look on his face only seemed to make his innocence more real. "decided to walk out of the base, leaving his duties, finding one group of the kings army and decided killing one of them was a good option!" Harriet yelled over the siren howling even louder. I looked at the boy for a mere moment before talking to Harriet "where are they now?" I asked before I felt a hit to the head "right here darling" as I turned around on my back to look at my attacker a man stared down at me his black hair short almost shaven presented his looks, a scar running down his arm where his sleeves of his blue uniform were rolled up, clutching a rifle in his hands the butt of it facing me, i was guessing that is what hit me. His eyes that of a killer you could clearly see the kings training did good to him as his muscles seemed to bulge out of his uniform . Grinning down at me he spoke again "an look who I found, the lost project" he sneered.

I frowned at him "very few know of that how do you know?" I asked him giving him a puzzled look. Snickering he leered at my body "well a soldier can't tell his secrets now can he?" he mused looking over my body with interest "and looking like a rapist no less" I said bluntly rolling my eyes as he gave a startled look amd switched his rifle the other way around putting me at the end of the barrel "the king has wanted you dead for years shame your going down without a fight" he sneered turning off the saftey.

Harriet now finally realising his intent quickly grabbed her sword and swung at the man, unfortunately he dodged and shot from his rifle hitting Harriet's sword her sword was a crafted in a specific way that if activated correctly it would create a shield when in a "good shot" she muttered before taking another swing hitting his arm cutting it cleanly off. He screamed a blood curdling scream. And as blood seeped out of his arm like a fountain Harriet snickered "but it wasn't good enough. his body crumpled to the floor, unconscious probably because of the blood loss or the panicking either way he wasn't going to be a bother to us anymore.

Helping me up off the ground, Harriet gently kicked the unconscious man on the ground. "Yeah he's not gonna be a problem" she mused as she sidestepped past him. "Come on, we need to go get rid of these bastards" she muttered as she walked out of the room. Into the corrior was a scene off a horror movie blood spattered the walls shells of ammunition scattered around the metallic floor. I just hoped that the blood was not that of our comrads. Muffled cries of anguish and pain filled the corridor the alarm muffling only a few of their screams. Shaking my head of the thoughts of the dead filling my vision we headed on to the main room usually used for communicating with others personally. Eating, discussing new tatics and just having a good time in general. But the usual good atmosphere had changed for the worse fallen and wounded assassins lay half dead, moaning as Narim hurried about attending each of the wounded. "Narim where are those who did this?!" Harriet cried out as she ran to one of the wounded, if i could recall one of the people in my group was related to Harriet, which was her brother. "Matthew what happened?!"Harriet asked tears almost filling her eyes, he looked almost unresponsive and almost dead. Harriet clutched him tightly, "Matthew please answer me!" she sobbed. She turned to me tears streaked her cheeks "he's not dead is he?" she asked her voice quivering. I couldn't speak, I didn't want to, my throat was dry. "no, no he can't be!" she wailed clutching him tighter.

Trying to give her an answer of her brother's well being, I used my abilities to see any activity going on. At first i thought he was dead... Until I saw a spark. "Harriet... " I begun "NO HE'S NOT DEAD" she cried "no Harriet, its not that" whipping her head round to face me she screamed at me "what is it then?!" I gave a small smile "he's alive just unconscious " i replied. She looked relieved, almost "really?" she glanced at Matthew where she placed her two fingers on his bloodstained neck. And she looked like relief had washed over her quickly I'm guessing she found a pulse.

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