Chapter 10 Ready for a masquerade?

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I sighed getting up from the bed I was sitting on. I hated what happened to me, to fall into a slumber like coma was not like me to do at all. I had done serious training to control my powers, also I had exerted myself over the limits that others wouldn't dare to breach. I felt weaker than I was...why did I fall unconsious I felt stable when I got why?

I was lost pondering in my thoughts when I heard a crashing sound in the corridor. I ran out of the corridor to find the mute Ivory looking up at me with her hazel eyes a worried expression filled her face. Around her papers, books and folders was spread around her and one of the papers on her head. I chuckled lifting the paper off her head and helped her up "what on earth was you thinking carrying all of this?" I mused looking at the mess. Ivory shrugged, due to a horrible accident that she was involved in it caused her so much trauma that she became silent only the occasional sounds like a 'ah' or 'oh' would show she understood. Her long black hair that came down to her waist was down when usually she had it in a plait. Hey she could look like the grudge if she wanted to making those sounds...perfect.

As she bent down to pick up the papers once more I picked up a few too to help her. I was going to help her but she shook her head a small smile on her face "are you sure?" I asked her and she nodded her head happily. The best thing for her being mute is that she was the perfect assassin silent and deadly always quick to kill her targets without being seen by civillians.

Luke who was currently walking down the corridor when the accident happened, he stopped in his tracks to look at me. "Jess your awake" he stated eyeing me for anything that stuck out oddly. "Yes and?" I questioned him cocking up an eybrow, he shook his head "nothing just there's skme stuff I need to tell you." He said his eyes flickering somewhere else, something wasn't right I could tell because he wasn't looking directly at me. "Luke tell me" I demanded my eyes hardening, I was curious to what he was so worried about. His brow furrowed, "you haven't been told yet?" He asked confused. I shrugged "what am I meant to know" he sighed. "Well there's good news and bad news. Good news we found a way to get to our target, bad news is that it's a ball meaning you'll have to wear a dress and partner up...with the guy who has the invitation..." I tilted my head to the side in confusion.  "Rick has the invitation after having it stolen off one of the people invited." I froze up I didn't really trust many people and after my last encounter with Rick I wasn't feeling up to it.

Next minute I know, I have Ivory and Harriet dragging me off to my room to get me ready. I just couldn't focus...I couldn't trust being in a room with him let alone a ball. "Hm don't you think this dress looks nice Ivory?" Harriet asked Ivory picking up a long poofy dress. It had butterflies with sequins sewn in with a coppery thread. The dress itself was a colour of champagne and had a silk bow round the back with no sleeves. Uhhh no. Thankfully Ivory shook her head and Harriet frowned "you're right it doesn't suit her, pretty but no" this time harriet picked up something amazing it wasn't so poofy it was long and was black covered with silk a matching black scarf at the bottom it fanned out slightly but not too much to make it sweep the floor. "Perfect" Harriet grinned putting it up against me "suits her perfectly" sge commented eyeing the dress up and down.

"So where do all these dresses seem to come from?" I asked my eyebrow raised slightly. Harriet shrugged "I think we bought it for cases such as this to assassinate a didn't know we had these?" Harriet questioned putting the dress back onto a hook and hanging it up. I shook my head "huh...well nevermind get a shower and dry off then Ivory will do your hair and makeup...honestly I don't know anything about those personality changers." That I knew 'personality changers meant makeup. Harriet hated it always seemed to create a completely new profile with it...however she did admit it was good for situations such as this.

Sighing, I shuffled towards the bathroom. After entering the dull looking room I looked at myself in the mirror...god I looked awful how in god's name would Ivory fix this horrific mess. I wasn't going to even sugar coat it I had my usual light, fine brunette hair tangled and matted in its ponytail and looked more darker. My eyes usually a glimmering green was looking rather hazel like and gloomy. I was a teen so I was obviously going to have zits why should anyone say something to make me sound more beautiful than I actually am?

Most stories that was salvaged by bombings and fires had talked about gorgeous brunettes with emerald green eyes. In reality most had blonde, brown hair with mostly brown, blue, hazel eyes grey and green was quite rare. I took off my clothes and turned away from the mirror to the shower. Cautiously turning it on I was greeted with freezing cold water "fucking hell!" I swore jumping away from the water as if it was a weapon. "Its freezing!" I chattered hopping to warm myself up.

Eventually my torment and suffering in the shower was over, I headed back into my room. Ivory jumped up from where she was sitting from my desk and padded over towards me holding a brush in her hands. Sitting me down she begun to gently brush my matted hair, I was new to these girly things so I mostly kept figiting as she calmly brushed. Soon she had finished and scribbled something down "are you new to having you're hair done?" I nodded slowly "I've never really had a girl time you know?" I mused staring at myself. Ivory nodded and picked up a box of makeup not before she written something else down " further intel mentioned its a masquerade rather than a ball, but it's the same thing right?" I nodded in agreement plus I couldn't get spotted this way.

Finally done, and dress put on I took a glance in the mirror...I had to admit I looked stunning but I wasn't into this kindo of things. "I don't wanna go" I said bluntly about to walk out of the room, Ivory jumped up in an attempt to stop me until I bumped into someone. "Hey I was just about to ask if you're read....y...." Rick's voice trailed off as he stared at me. Glaring at him I put my hands on my hips tilting my head "what do you want?" Turning his head away he muttered "nothing." Using this as my chance to have a good look at Rick without having a misunderstanding I didn't knew he actually looked good in a suit...damn it.

turning back to face me he asked again "right you ready yet?" I nodded before shaking my head as in no. He gave an exasperated sigh "what is it then?" Looking away I murmered "I don't have a mask" he looked bothered for a second before looking like he remembered something. "Yeah I got it" I stared at him stunned "why do you have it" he shrugged "dunno" I twitched in anger. "What do you mean you 'dunno?!' I need it you know! Give it here!" I shouted snatching the mask out of his grasp once he presented it to me. "Fine geez chill out" he grumbled grabbing my wrist pulling me along to the base entrance. "Wait I haven't even put my mask on" I said stumbling along with him.

Soon outside there was a floating white car...looked expensive. "I had it stolen...if we came into one of your weapon wielding cars we'd look suspicious don't you think?" I rolled my eyes "did you really have to steal it? Won't the guards know it's stolen?" He chuckled "nope owner is dead so if something comes up on their scan that it isn't ours I'll just say they wanted me to have it." Shrugging I stepped into the car, where Luke seemed to be the driver "Luke what the hell are you doing?" Turning around Luke gave me a glare "what do you think? Only I can seem to hack into the car system it's coding is encrypted and apparently only I can drive it, as only I know the encryption." "Right ok" I muttered putting the black cat looking mask on, turning back around Luke started the engine "ready?" He asked. "Go" I commanded strapping myself in preparing for this car

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