Chapter 1 Xenic

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I look upon the city with eyes that no one else had...because I'm special I'm different because that chemical changed me that chemical gave me powers that no other human can hold...the creator of the chemical was once good but like all men that are given power he became corrupt. Many rebel groups was created but they were repressed and crushed. He created an army of people with this sick chemical running in their veins giving them powers that allows them to destroy all humanity but they don't not yet, they want to make them suffer. I am Jessica and I am the only one who can stop them.

The power I have is different than those in that man's army how I obtained this is because I was exposed to his brutal experiments. Orphans like me who lived on the streets got captured and got taken in the labs to have tests done and this chemical Xenic jabbed into their bodies every other hour. Just to see if they can evolutionise the human race, one day they found how to use the chemical, how to control it. Further tests were taken on the test subject that gave the most results and the rest...was killed. However I escaped turned out I showed some progress too yet in a different way. I like to call my powers blue light because whenever I use my abilities a hologram in blue of any kind of weapon I desire shows up and kills whomever is in my way. It is a powerful ability naturally I went against that man's dictatorship and created a rebel group. Unfortunately we was crushed last time we took the brutal way. So we became assassins killed the ones in power of certain places in order to weaken the man in power soon we will achieve our goal.

I sighed staring at the holagraphic screen under the dim light it gave "there's seriously no hidden way in?" I asked turning round to Harriet a gifted swords woman who could definatly kill a expert soldier or two the most difficult to defeat she had short blonde hair that was cut into a bob her brown eyes flicking to the holographic screen behind me. "Yeah this one is definetly paronoid" Harriet said glancing at the house plan on the screen. "He's got every right to be" I murmered lifting off myself from the chair walking to the automatic door Harriet sat down "what do you suppose we do Jess?" She asked spinning round on the chair to face me. "I think we should make a distraction for the guards then quickly sneak in" Harriet grinned "great plan I'll get Dean to work on it" as she quickly spun back around to the holographic screen flashing onto emails. The door opened as I walked through the dimly lit corridor blue lights giving light onto the metal floor I needed to get some air, true we was making great progress but with it came great stress everything had to go to plan and we had to create another plan to get inside just in case the other one failed it was good to have a plan to fall back on.

I jabbed in a few numbers allowing the door to open and let me out to the outside world quickly stepping out just before the door quickly shut behind me. I glanced around me trees surrounded the area where we set up our entrance to our base. The base was underground but the entrance showed off a bit so we hid the entrance into the thicket of the Narumi woods. Trudging through the woods a bleeping noise rung through my head I rolled my eyes and spoke "yes what is it Luke?" I asked knowing exactly who it was after all it was only him that called me telepathicly. "Intruders northeast from here" Luke said static mostly covering his voice I knew that the intruders was trying to find us by signal relays therefore making his voice filled with static. "What do you propose we do?" Luke's voice snapped me out of my thoughts "nothing" I replied heading towards where the intruders were. "Nothing?" Luke questioned sounding surprised "yeah I'm outside anyway I'll take them out" "alright leaving it to you Jess" Luke replied as I cut him off murmers just a few meters away.

I quickly climbed a tree hearing the voices come closer from where I stood. A young woman and man emerged from the foliage the man seemed distraught whereas the woman seemed enraged. "Chloe are you crazy?!"the young man silently exclaimed "no I'm not Jake, those assassins killed my father! Do you think for a second I will let them get away?" The young woman known now as Chloe had auburn hair in large curls that bounced around her beautiful face. Her clothes looked that of a wealthy person and she had the similar features to her father who we had killed weeks ago. A man named Adam Diono this girls father was that of an industialist tyrant it was a good thing we took him out or more would've suffered however his daughter didn't seem to see the tyranny her father ruled and quite rightly so any family member would stick up for one another no matter how bad they are. Obviously it would pain someone to know their parent was killed. The man named Jake had short blonde hair and blue eyes that flickered nervously around his clothes was that of a common man so something told me he was her servant."I know where they're hiding anyway so we won't get lost" her arrogance clicked me back to reality "yeah? Well let's see how long you'll survive when you come across us! I shouted making their heads snap upwards. I brought up my hood on my hoodie I mostly used this to hide my identity I was still wanted in the city. "You..." she snarled her body quivering in anger I supposed she recognised the hood as I was the one who killed her father but he had it coming to him. "Yeah?" I said not sounding too bothered that the girl had a death wish on me. "You killed my father!" She yelled slashing at me I easily dodged her attack. "C-Chloe" the man stuttered as I studied her knife's blade.

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