Chapter 6 Work to do

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After the "incident" passed I grabbed a band top and jeans randomly and threw it on the bed. I really didn't care what people thinked of what clothes I wore it was just stupid to base someone on their clothes or looks. I sighed putting my clothes on once I was finished I put my black hoodie back on and trainers and walked out of my room.

Kyle was waiting outside to escort me to this person who so desperately wanted to see me. "Oh you decided to wait for me now did you?" I asked a thin smile forming on my face he knew I was livid for his actions. He smiled sheepishly "I don't think I need anymore punishments that gun was enough" he said stepping back quickly. I snickered "oh I don't think so" I sneered suddenly stomping making him run. I chuckled to myself as I saw him sprint round a corner as I followed. 

Soon as we both arrived I could see Kyle was already out of breath. "Why did I sign you up?" I asked frowning "your not even fit to run a couple meters!" He rolled his eyes at me "oh I'm sorry I've been busy working" he said walking ahead "working with what women?" I asked falling in a step with him. He laughed "I find it entertaining that you actually think I don't have work to do, rather play with girls." I rolled my eyes at him now "oh come on now no point lying" I said knocking on the door awaiting entry. He chuckled "we'll finish this later maybe then I can prove to you I do work" I stared at him for a moment before flicking my gaze back to the door.

"Who is it?" Came Daniel's voice I sighed "an enemy invasion we're coming in to kill you" I said sarcastically Kyle snickered. "Oh it's you" was all he said before opening the door. I walked forward to the machine where a male seemed to be strapped in trying to escape from the restraints. He was too busy trying to escape that he didn't even notice me enter. Kyle made a motion to put up my hood I did as I was told it wasn't a good idea fresh memories couldn't be erased.

I coughed a little to grab his attention Daniel now coming to my left hand side where as Kyle was on my right. Luke walked over to the machine activating it as the man focused to me. "I believe you asked for me?" I asked glaring at him from under the hood. He nodded "I did" he said his voice was strained and I presumed this was because he had been pulling against the restraints. "Why are you trying to go against the restraints?" I asked tilting my head "it's for saftey reasons they are applied"  I said motioning towards them. He rolled his eyes "sure" I was getting sick of asking questions he wasn't going to answer so I walked towards Luke instead "give me infromation on him if he doesn't give it to me personally and check if he's lying.  if he is a spy transfer it to the computer could be useful destroy any other memories associated with the Legions." I murmered low enough so only he could hear.

"What are you doing?" The man asked sounding scared. "Just making sure your not a spy" I said turning around to face Daniel "I need you near him when we extract the information and destroy a few memories he might break the restraints" he nodded walking towards him. "Now tell me what's your name?" He gritted his teeth "why should I tell you?" He sneered I sighed "well firstly you called me here, secondly if you don't I'll make Luke here give it to me..." I said simply turning to face Luke "oh and it'll really hurt trust me" I added as I nodded to Luke he set up the scan. Soon enough the man was shaking "OK OK it's Isaac!" He exclaimed looking at Luke worried. I gave Luke a look "he's not lying" he muttered I gave sweet smile towards Isaac.

"Now why did you call me here?" I asked patiently "I wanted to meet the so called murderer" he seethed venom dripping in his voice I flinched at his remark. But I remained emotionless all the same "Luke" I said and he nodded "on it" soon enough Isaac's body had a wave of shock making his body go rigid from the pain. He gave a hellish scream "he is a spy working for the Legions and wanted to meet you so he could send a picture of you through to them" I cursed through my breath "does he know where the base is?" I asked Luke stared at the screen for a few seconds before answering "not quite" I paced the room for a while "he remembers the way to go then when he was blindfolded?" I asked and Luke nodded I sighed relieved slightly. We took him there for a reason it was actually a dead end we'd take them there then knock them out I was thankful that plan worked.

"How cute a Legions spy thinking he can kill me?" I said grabbing the holographic screen in front of Luke and I swiped away the memory of him ever being a spy and on to the computer. This caused another jolt through his body fragmented memories filing into the machine. I paused about to wipe a lovely memory from his mind before looking at a certainly interesting floor plan. The floor plan of the next person we was going to assassinate it seemed there was a secret entrance...but it was guarded. I swiped it on to the computer making him yell again in pain. I breathed out slowly before walking towards the now limp Isaac.

He wasn't dead no he'd been trained to survive this but he hadn't been trained completely something told me he did this on his own free will. Tapping his face a little lightly with the palm of my hand he gave a grunt "w-where am I?" He said groaning "oh in a very special hospital private in fact" I lied releasing his restraints. "Oh oh I see I hope my family knows-" I cut him off by shushing him "oh don't worry we're gonna give you a little sedative and return you home you just had a nasty encounter with those Legions" I said smirking slightly from his innocent look as he stared around the room. As Daniel prepared s needle soon going into his arm.

I walked out instantly out of the room I needed fresh air again.

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