The Loss of a Mother's Child

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(A Non-Canon Hannibal Roleplay: The Death of Abigail.)


She hadn't said a thing during the whole session. Her glassy eyes full of tears that were constantly threatening to fall down her porcelain face looking between them both as they spoke. She barely dared to even blink, for fear of those tears falling down her face finally.

Abigail was everything to her and Hannibal. She was like her own daughter, and now...

She was gone.

She hated it.

She hadn't spoken a word to anyone since the incident, not even to Hannibal himself. Despite his manner and personality, it made him worry a bit more about her than he was willing to admit. Even this incident itself affected him more than he expected it to.

Bedelia looked to Alise, who still hadn't said a thing, her eyes full of sympathy.

"Alisibeth? Is there anything you have to say about this? You've been quiet this whole time."

Alise swallowed a little as she looked to Hannibal, who gave her a subtle nod. She closed her eyes and took a breath, her tears finally falling as she spoke.

"I miss Abigail..."

Her voice was full of pain and slightly raspy from not speaking for about two days straight. She continued as she opened her storm-filled grey-blue eyes.

"She was... Like my own daughter. I always dreamed of having my own child, but yet... I was afraid to ever have one due to my Mother's history of miscarriages after I and my twin younger brothers were born... But when Hannibal brought her home after the adoption papers were signed..."

She paused to draw in a shaking breath, a small pained squeak escaping her.

"We just clicked so fast... Like we had known each other our whole lives..."

She sniffled and wiped her tears on her sweater sleeved arm as she took off her glasses.

"She felt like my own blood related child... I wanted her to grow up and be so happy in life... I wanted to help her through her trauma... And now I can't do it anymore..."

She felt Hannibal's arm around her shoulders and him pulling her closer to him to comfort her. Despite how he acts out certain situations, both of them damn well knew nothing about this was faked like it would be in any other normal situation.

They both adored Abigail, that was undeniable.

"Abby was the only one who I felt like I could truly help and understand because of both of our father-related traumas... Now look at me! I'm as distraught as a Mother losing her own child!"

Alise didn't snap at her, she just cried out in sorrowful anger. In rightful anger, really. Bedelia nodded her head, her golden waves swishing a little as she did.

"She was like your only daughter, it's totally understandable you feel this way."

"...I always wanted a child... But now I've lost her..."

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