A Queen Scorned is One to be Feared

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(A Non-Canon Sillmarillion Roleplay: Cathrene's Anger of Melkor's Capture and Imprisonment.)

(Author's Note: This is my Alter Cathrene's Source Memories.)


[🌠] "You all took what was most precious to me and my children so long ago... You took him from me, my loving husband and King of this entire land itself."

The injured Elf looked to her, glistening blood running from the corner of its mouth and the many deep wounds that the enraged, black-hearted and ice-cold Queen had inflicted upon them in their heated battle not more than 15 minutes ago. The poor creature didn't stand a chance against her, yet it challenged her anyways. She could almost admire its resolve and bravery.

<•> "I already told you, I'm sorry! It had to be done!"

Her eyes narrowed and her ears twitched slightly as she glared down upon it. It dare squeal those words to her? After all she has suffered through by herself without Melkor himself by her side?


Not acceptable.

There was no more use to the words "I'm sorry" to her anymore.

[🌠] "...Did it really?"

She started to advance towards it with her still blood coated armor-clawed hands twitching, almost as if she were going to strangle this pathetic knat that still lived despite the damage she had inflicted. She was done playing games with this squealing, squirming maggot that disguised itself as an Elven warrior.

[🌠] "Do you even fathom how difficult it was to raise two children completely on my own?!"

Their eyes widened and glittered with pure fear as she slowly advanced, now thinking it would be wise to beg for its own life.

It was wrong.

<•> "N-No, wait-"

The Queen's voice trembled with rage, laced with the warning of the most potent of poisons and intermixed with growling more feral than a creature like Gorgathar himself. She sounded almost to tears, but she wouldn't give this thing the satisfaction of her shedding a single tear for it.

[🌠] "How hard it was to rule the entire Kingdom without him to guide me?!"

They dared to raise their hands in pleading defense to her, as if that action would save it from her rage and resolve.

It was pointless.

She was already going to slaughter the pathetic creature in front of her, nothing would change her mind on that.

<•> "Please! Have mercy!"

She stopped for a mere moment, a dark shadow over her eyes as her fangs grew to their true length, gritting her teeth but a little. She slowly raised her left hand, and Sky; the warhammer gifted to her by her lover, King, and father of their children who were besieging the castle with her, appeared in her grasp. Her hands shook a little as she brought her right hand to dual-wield the weapon who had killed many before this one.

The aura from its presence alone made the maggot shiver.


She wanted to enjoy its last moments of regretful terror as she ignored its plea.

[🌠] "No, you don't. Because you all were far too stubborn and all too high and mighty with your precious 'righteousness' to see it. So now, as I stand in front of you, warhammer in my hands... I want you to pray to whatever God you may praise and pray that he shows you mercy when you meet him... For I have none. I lost that ability of mercy long ago."

<•> "No, wait, please! I'm sorry!"

Again with those pathetic words that meant absolutely nothing to her. The pain-striken, angered and revenge-driven Queen raised her warhammer in both of her armored hands with no remorse in her eyes.

No warmth.

No caring.

Only burning hatred and rageful intent of revenge.

There was no mercy in her eyes or expression on her face as her sclera turned blacker than the Void itself and her ruby red irises glowed with the orange burning fire of magma but yet held the chill of permafrost. The squirming Elf still dared to try and back away from her as it writhed on the floor and almost backed itself into a nearby wall, her footsteps approaching closer to it.

[🌠] "For mausan Kaumn ro Darkneukuk iavukelf, lat ukhall mat!!!" (For the King of Darkness itself, you shall die!!!)

She let out a warcry that could shake the very Earth to its core as she slammed it down, shattering not only the bones in the maggot's body, but also the shaking floor beneath it, leaving a wide crater full of blood and destroyed muscle.

You couldn't even tell that an Elf had once laid there, begging for its life.

She nodded coldly, satisfied with the result and continued on, the blood still dripping from her hammer that she held over her shoulder as she walked on towards her husband's imprisonment cell.

This charade had gone on long enough.

She was going to free him from his shackling prison tonight.

She wouldn't tolerate failure.

If any part of this plan failed... Not even Sauron himself would be able to stop her from destroying all of Valinor and razing it to the ground until there was nothing left but ashes and dust. She lost all ability to feel guilt or remorse. She didn't care how much blood was spilled or who's, she will get Melkor back...

Or all of Valinor will fall, burn and perish for his very freedom.


Music that inspired this scene:

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