A Dance we Never Had, yet Now's our Chance.

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(Author's Note: This is my Alter Fellia's Source Memories.)


It was never easy to fully integrate into the world of technology that they both were never really able to learn about. Technically, these two shouldn't look as young as they do. One of them's supposedly dead and the other... Well, she typically doesn't like being around people, so she might as well be dead.

...Okay, given she's half Skeleton, she's technically half Dead. She always found that joke funny.

However, she was more focused on this damn gala that Tony decided to hold and invite her to. Of course, Steve called her and told her that he invited Bucky as well, but he reluctantly agreed once he heard she was gonna be there.

Sure, she's been thinking of moving in with Bucky after all this time... I mean, she's known him since 1943 and fought alongside him with HYDRA, and yet after all of that; he still managed to give her the same smile he always used to. She enjoyed it a lot, despite Steve's slight... Bitterness of their situation.

Fellia always knew those two kids had the hots for each other, it wasn't hard to tell cause Steve made it painfully obvious, but she also knew they both had attraction to a girl in the past too.

Steve with Peggy, obviously; and Bucky with Fellia herself.

Honestly, she was scared to get close to him... All the others in the past abused her to the point she was afraid of anyone she could ever love leaving her again. She was insulted all the time, called "toxic", "manipulative", "bitchy"... Every name in the book practically.

So when Bucky came around, it was like a breath of fresh air; yet it also came with panic. But after they got to know one another, that fear managed to drift away. The way he'd smile at her and laugh at her jokes made her heart and SOUL light up in bright flames. Even when she'd have him over for dinner or lunch, and have him stay the night, she would enjoy every second of it.

Sure, she'd feel bad for Steve since he'd known Bucky since childhood... But he'd always reassure her to not worry about Steve, that she wasn't putting herself between them at all. That would always make her feel better for a good while.

She looked at the red and white polka-dotted dress with a bit of remembrance as she wondered if it would be worth rewearing for this... Then again, it's a party. She hardly wears dresses and such unless it's a party like this.

 She hardly wears dresses and such unless it's a party like this

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[Well, I bought the damn dress; I might as well.] She reassured herself as she picked it up.

After she managed to put on said dress she had worn back at that party she first met them both; but it was more of a recent recreation of it due to more modern technology, she debated putting her hair up the same way it was back then... She still remembered how to do it.

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