Admiration of a God and Pains Understood

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(A Non-Canon Avengers Roleplay: Loki's Admiration and Sympathies.)


The black haired God of Mischief held himself as calmly as he could in front of his Brother, but even his patience was running thin. They both had been at this for a good while, about an hour at most. Thor just wasn't getting the point through his thick skull.

[🐍] "How else do you wish me to explain why I chose this woman, Brother? Do you wish me to go into details? Because I will if I must."

He may not be able to see eye to eye with his Brother, but even still, he was sick of not being able to get through to him. He was starting to get that feeling of needing to pace back and forth, and he fought the feeling back.

[⚡] "Indulge me then." The Thunder God responded. "If you wish to explain it to me, then do so."

Loki furrowed his brow a little in slight confusion. He knew his Brother was hard to convince on anything, this situation being no exception... So why was he giving Loki the chance to-

You know what? Screw it. Since he was given the chance now, he will.

[🐍] "You don't know her as I do, Brother." He slowly stated as his eyes drifted coldly towards Thor's. "You haven't seen the life she's endured firsthand."

Thor silently and patiently stood there, listening for once. Loki disregarded how this was the first time he's listened to him in only Odin knows how long to keep going.

[🐍] "She's been through torments and tortures that a child should never have to endure. I've seen her crumble to the ground and have to rebuild herself all alone, I've seen her take what was thrown at her; sometimes quite literally, with a glassy look in those eyes of hers, and I've seen her endure pain with a damn smile.

"So, you wish me to explain why I chose her? Why I wanted no one but her? Fine then. I will explain to you why."

He could feel rage building, but his silent rage was to be feared more than his normal one. In silent rage, he was more unpredictable, more prone to outbursts. But in this moment, he couldn't've cared less.

[🐍] "20 years ago, I sensed something different upon Midgard. I didn't know what, but it was different. When I searched for 5 years to find the source, I found it.

"It was her. That woman. I didn't know at the time why she was so different, but I could feel it. The child in front of me was bound for something, and I was unaware of what.

"I transformed into a serpent and I hid in the grass to watch her. The next thing I knew, I was picked up by a Midgardian's hands.

"But not by just anyone, however. No no, it was her who picked me up. The utter fascination in her eyes as she picked me up with no fear and held me in her small, albeit a bit dirty hands... She was a child, so it's understandable; but still... It was enough to both fascinate me and confuse me."

Epic Scenes I've Written in the PastOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz