You're Still a Traitor... (pt. 2)

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(Author's Note: The art is mine and this is my Alter Fellia's Source Memories.)


"Fell! Doll, hold on!" Bucky called out as he ran to her to try and comfort her.

She shook her head as she kept walking, trying to ignore his desperate attempts at getting her attention; but he eventually caught up with her. Bucky gently grabbed her bone arm with his metal one; knowing she couldn't use Magic if he did that so she wouldn't just do that weird Teleportation thing she does called "Blinking" to try and get out of his worried hold.

"...Let go of me, Buck." She muttered quietly.

"No way, Doll... Not happening." Bucky panted a bit in response.

They stood there silently with the exception of Bucky's soft panting from running after her for a few tense moments before eventually; she couldn't take the quiet anymore.

"What?!" Fellia finally snapped in irritation as she turned to the man, glowing red tears still falling down her face and her eyes black, but her red irises were still visible. "Ya gonna try ta get me ta apologize cause I'm wrong or somethin' Buck?! I should be sorry 'cause I said all that awful shit ta him?! 'Cause you know me enough ta know damn well that I ain't gonna-"

Bucky shook his head and hugged her tightly all of a sudden, cutting her words off effectively with such an embrace. She grunted a little, fully surprised as she looked down at him to a degree despite them being about the same height, thinking he would've dragged her back so she'd take back all the things she said to Steve... But no.

He just hugged her, and tightly at that... Fellia had no clue how to react or process it, but she refused to move until he did. Eventually though, he pulled away to look at her and his hands slowly came up to her face as he said one simple sentence:

"No... No I'm not."

She gasped softly as he said so, noticing that now he too was crying over this. He brought his ice-blue eyes to her ruby crimson ones as his own tears fell down to the floor, shaking slightly as he looked at her with that saddened look she couldn't bare seeing on his face.

"Awh Gawd Buck... Y-You're cryin'..." Fellia said quietly as she lifted her left bone hand to hold onto Bucky's right one on her cheek despite her hair in her face.

"Yeah, I know Doll... I know." He stated quietly as he drew in a shaking breath. "I ain't gonna make you apologize, cause you're right."

Her eyes widened as she exhaled slightly, giving him a quick once-over as he said that.

"I-I... I am?"

"Yeah... He is being selfish. I'm not gonna fault ya for... Pointing out the obvious. He's been plannin' this for a while, and he's goin' on his own."

Fellia's anger reignited itself as she heard those words from him.

"He can't just bring us back wit' him?! He's jus' gonna leave us behind?!" She snapped angrily. "The least he could do is take us back there so we can live how we wanted ta back then!!

"W-We could go back ta ma house back then, we could jus'... G-Get your uniform back and jus' pretend HYDRA's bullshit neva happened!

"I-In fact, w-we could even jus' getcha outta the Army back then an' you an' I... W-We'll get m-married, maybe even have k-kids, raise 'em and jus'... J-J-Jus' live that way..."

Fellia couldn't stop herself from sobbing again as she looked down to the floor, and Bucky just placed his forehead gently on hers. He could feel the amount of sadness and hatred that this poor woman was feeling... It practically radiated off of her.

"I know Doll... I know. But he isn't taking us with him. He's going by himself, that's it." He said as he sighed. "...I wish I could feel the same way you do about this."

"Huh? Y-Ya what...?" Fellia asked as she looked up at the Sargeant she fell so hard for back then. "Whatcha talkin' about, Bucky?"

"...I can't hate him for this. I can't bring myself to do it."

"What the... Ya got every right ta-"

"I know, Fell. I know..." Bucky shook his head a little as he separated a little to look at her again. "But he's my best friend next to you. I can't hate my best friend. Yeah, I'm pissed off. I'm fuckin' hurt. But I don't hate him, Doll."

Fellia sniffled as she shook her head, trying to process his words before he spoke again.

"I'mma need you to do something for me, Fell." Bucky stated softly as he ran his hand through her hair.

"Yeah Buck?" She replied with a soft whine in her voice.

"Hold onto that hatred for me."


"You heard me, Doll. Hold onto that hatred for me until I can bring myself to feel it."

Fellia couldn't believe what she was hearing! Bucky wanted her to hate Steve for him until he could bring himself to do it?! What the Hell??

"B-Bucky, I don't think I can-"

"You're the only one I trust to hold onto that negativity for me... It won't be forever, but... I just can't hate Steve right now; okay?" Bucky placed his metal hand over her heart as he looked at his hand and then her. "Just hold it for me until I can I feel it myself, okay Fellia?"

She looked at his hand as placed her bone hand over his own, the soft resonating sound of them touching ringing for a moment before she looked at him again. She took in a deep breath she didn't need before exhaling again in a long sigh before nodding.

"A'ight Buck. I'll hold it for ya's... I promise." She replied as she looked away.

Bucky took his other hand to gently lead her back to look at him to then lay a soft kiss on her forehead, lingering there for a few moments before Fellia just hugged him tightly to cry into his shoulder once again... This was the hardest thing she ever had to do, and in her 206 years of life; that's from a lot of hard things she's done.

Even still, she knew damn well she wasn't going to let this kill her. She's lost friends before, this was just another time... Didn't mean that it fuckin' hurt any less.

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