Truth Withheld, and a Veil Kept

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(A Non-Canon Victorian Hannibal AU: Ignorance is Blissful to the Bride.)


His heart was racing like a horse's galloping hooves as he hurried to where he hoped his friend was residing. He didn't want to chance running into anyone else but her. Not right now.

"Alisibeth! Alisibeth, are you here?"

The woman turned around towards the distressed voice and looked to her second male friend. She hasn't known him as long as Hannibal, but she knows him well.

He looked at her, relieved. He didn't need any more trouble right now. He was deep enough already.

"Alisibeth, finally, I didn't know if I would find you here."

The woman looked at her distressed friend with worry, placing one of her delicate, pale hands on his arm in and attempt to calm him.

"Will? What's happened?"

He blushed softly, but then shook his head to clear his thoughts, his curled hair bouncing a little.

"Nevermind that, I'll explain later. Tell me, how much of Hannibal do you know?"

Alisibeth tilted her head a little with her eyes full of questioning, but she answered anyway. Why was this so important right now?

"I've known him since our Nursery Years, I know everything about him."

Will felt his heart skip with worry. He took her hand in his as he looked her in the eyes.

"Are you sure you know everything, Alisibeth?"

Her face flushed a little as he held her hand and looked at her. He looked so concerned and worried... It made her shiver slightly. Her kind heart wanted to help him, it really did.

Maybe if she told him the good news, she would help him calm himself. She loved seeing her friend smile.

"Well, other than the fact we're getting married in three days!~"

Will's caramel eyes widened in fear and terror as he heard that news. That wasn't good. That was the worst news he could've ever heard...


"I know Will, isn't it exciting?!~♡"

Her tone was full of such happiness and hope... Oh dear God no, she's completely oblivious to what she's getting into!

He has to tell her now, maybe there'll be a chance to save her if he tells her now!

"No, Alisibeth, you don't understand-"

"William, is something the matter?"

Oh no, that's the last voice he needed or wanted to hear right now. Her beautiful, sparkling eyes turned to him immediately.

Epic Scenes I've Written in the Pastजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें