You're Still a Traitor...

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(A Non-Canon Marvel Roleplay: Steve's Decision.)

(Author's Note; This is my Alter Fellia's Source Memories.)


It wasn't hard to hear the whole conversation between them, besides her being half Monster. She was leaning against the wall as she heard the anger in Bucky's voice and the bitterness, the seriousness and conviction in Steve's as they continued going back and forth for who knows how long... She knew exactly what Steve was going to do, and she hated it.

He was being selfish.

He said he'd be with her and Bucky until the end of the line, she was there when he said it! And now?! Now he's planning to deviate from his words?! What the fuck is he-

"I understand, Steve... I'll miss having you around." Bucky finally said in quiet acceptance.

"Honestly, I'll miss being around too... But I'll still be your friend even after I do this."

[Bucky's just... Just acceptin' this happenin'?! He ain't gonna protest, he ain't gonna fuckin' try an' stop 'im?!] Fellia mentally growled as her eyes glowed brightly for a moment out of anger.

"...So, who's going to get the Shield? I'm sure it isn't gonna be me." Bucky sighed.

"You know, I was tempted to hand it to you... But I know you wouldn't want it." Steve said in a considerable tone.

"Tch, not with all I've done. No damn way."

[What in the fuck?!] Fellia thought to herself as she grit her sharp teeth. [First, Steve's leavin' and now he's gonna give the Shield ta someone else who ain't his best friend?! How more selfish could he get 'ere?!]

"What about Fell?" She heard Bucky say, turning her head a little to the door. "I'm sure she's strong enough to handle it."

"She wouldn't have the best reception if she took it... I doubt anyone would be alright with a woman being called Captain America, unfortunately. But I've already made a decision about who I'm passing it to, Bucky."

She hung her head as she heard that, her hair shading over her face like a black out curtain. She wasn't worthy of the Shield huh?! Steve was still bitter about back then, was he?!

She'd confront him about that as soon as he stepped out of the room. She was fuming with anger, especially over the fact Steve said that she wasn't able to have the Shield nor Bucky himself.

[Ya know, maybe Buck coulda held onto it and passed it to... Oh I dunno, maybe our own fuckin' kids if we eva have any?!] Fellia mentally growled as she cooked up a way to possibly get to Steve for all of this.

"Yeah? Who is it?"

"It's Falcon."

"Wait, you're giving it to Sam? Are you sure Steve? He's just a kid, basically!"

"I know he'll be good as Captain America. I trust him to make the right choices while I'm gone..."

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