Nice Try Heroes!~♡

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(A Non-Canon Boku No Hero Academia Roleplay: True Villain Alise AU.)


The dust slowly cleared from the air around them as the Heroes looked up while coughing, thinking maybe they've won this fight finally... Maybe these two will finally stay down and they could pull their previous friend from the wreckage to possibly rehabilitate her. The silence was deafening, but they looked at one another to mentally congratulate each other before a soft, yet manic chuckle was heard. All their eyes widened at the sound.

That... That couldn't be...

"N-No... It’s not possible..." Deku said with his voice shaking.

"No fucking way she survived that!" Bakugo snapped.

"How did she...?" Todoroki commented in utter shock.

The girl with long brown hair slowly stood up from the rubble and debris with a few sounds of effort, offering her hand out to her partner who took it with dirtied and slightly ragged gloves, and she pulled him out pretty much effortlessly with them both almost completely unscathed. Her stormy grey-blue eyes sparked with an insane glee.

How?! How did they survive that?!

Everyone watched in helplessness as she spoke to her partner.

"Wow, nearly scared me there Kai." She said with a wicked grin. "Thought that we were done for!~"

"Yeah, I know." He growled through his mask that was now slowly becoming attached to his face in pure anger. "But I wouldn't dare let you get hurt, Little Bird."

"Good thing I can heal, right?~"

The Heroes gasped collectively. Of course, that's how they're almost completely unscathed! They forgot about her Angel's Touch Quirk!! How could they be so stupid?!

"Th-That's how!" Deku stated.

"Oh no..." Uraraka shivered.

"She used her Healing Quirk..." Tokoyami growled, his Dark Shadow even shivering.

The girl accompanying Kai Chisaki grinned down at them all with a sadistic expression as Kai broke out a little out of the feeling of anger and filth on his body, and his extra Nomu arms slowly sprouted from behind him.

"What do we do with them all now, Kai?!~♡" Alise asked with sadistic glee, though she already knew the answer to that question.

"These Heroes are especially sick, Angel..." Overhaul growled as he came to the Front, lifting the girl with his extra arms and letting her cling to him on his back, her arms wrapped around his neck and her hands gripping the front sides of his hoodie. "How about we cure them all?"

"A...Ali-Chan," Deku said as an attempt to reach out to his previous friend, to try to get that once soft hearted girl back. "Don't do this, please! W-We're all your friends!"

Her grin only grew wider at his miserable pleading as she looked at Overhaul, giggling wickedly as her eyes glowed slightly.

"I want to do nothing less than that, Asmodius.~"

[No... Not like this Ali-Chan...] Deku thought in heartache for his friend, who was now almost too far gone to be saved.

[She's gonna fucking kill us all!!] Bakugo growled as he thought to himself.

Overhaul didn't need to hear anymore than that, now fully Fronted and ready to take out those in front of him who were hideously infected with Hero Syndrome. He looked at them all with his dangerously glowing golden eyes, and his feather-like fur on his hood fluffed more to make him look angrier and bigger; like a large bird would before competing for a mate.

Alise herself drew out her cane sword from her back, the blade itself created with the same Quirk-Cancelling properties as the bullets Kai created. It glittered in the light of the setting sun with an ominous gleam in the metal as it rang from being drawn out of its scabbard.

The Heroes who used to be her friends looked at them both with shock and terror; horrified at how a girl who was once such a kind and empathic soul was now completely insane and corrupted with power.

Overhaul looked at her, and she looked back at him with her blade and nodded once to him. He nodded in confirmation before using his normal arms to launch them both at the frightened young Heroes, roaring out in insane desire as she laughed alongside him:

"Then let's cure them all, Angel!!!"

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