Trust amongst Friends, Soon to be Lovers

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(A Non-Canon Victorian Hannibal AU Roleplay: A Favour of the Wendigo)


"Oh, and before it flees my mind Alisibeth..."

"Oh, yes?"

The woman paused and turned to him, a glimmer of a question in her eyes. The man handed his female friend a book with a red leather cover, abound with many pages that was sitting on his desk table.

"Would you do me a favour and watch over this book for me?"

"Oh, of course!" She smiled as she gently accepted it from his hands. "Whatever for?"

"I just don't trust anyone to hold onto such an important book for me. You were the first person I could think of."

The words came out as smoothly as he intended. Her eyes sparkled with excitement and with a determination of now fulfilling a mission in them. It was adorable really, to see her so excited with such a menial task. It brought an amused smile to his face.

"I won't let you down, Hannibal! I'll keep it safe!"

The pure excitement of this task was immeasurable in her voice. A small yet amused chuckle arose from him. This woman was adorable...

God, he had to have her.

But he knew all too well; good things come to those who wait.

"Thank you, Alisibeth. This will pay off, I assure you. I just need to keep that book under your care for a mere two days. Think you can handle that challenge?"

A small tease was in his voice as he winked at her. She gave an exasperated, yet over exaggerated tone of offense.

"Hannibal! I'm your friend! I would never let you down!"

He laughed along with her for a moment before they stared at one another once more, a small yet comfortable silence between them.

"But of course, I would love to keep watch over something of yours for a few days. I've kept all your letters, after all." She stated, a small shyness interlaced with her words.

"You flatter me, Alisibeth."

"I can't help that I enjoy your elegance and eloquent wordplay."

He tilted his head in interest at her words. She's been studying.

"Alisibeth..." He softly spoke to her with a bit more flattery in his tone than he intended. "You've been studying your words."

"Well, if I'm in the presence of one of my smartest friends, I need to uphold some sort of vocabulary that you'll understand."

He couldn't help but let a small, flattered smile crawl onto his face.

"You flatter me with such a thing. You don't have to change so much about yourself to please me."

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