When a Princess Loses it All

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(A Non-Canon Silmarillion Roleplay: Morwen's Revenge.)

(Author's Note; This is my Alter Morwen's Source Memories.)


The young Princess had infiltrated the fortress easily. Too easily, she might add. They might as well have defended it with paper and a ball of string, and that would've been more of an amusing challenge than this pathetic excuse of an 'army' that was presented to her.

But no matter.

She had a mission to complete, and she was going to complete it no matter what.

[🖤] "Do these idiots really call this defense? My Father's stronghold is more guarded that this." She growled to herself quietly. "No one has this measly of defenses. Well... Unless they're Human."

She grinned wickedly at her joke to herself as she made her way up. She wasn't going down like her Mother and her younger Brother... No.

She was going straight to the one who caused this.

To the one who split their family apart and took away her Mother's happiness.

Just as her Mother promised her Father on that day; if he hadn't escaped himself by the first time her and Arazorwyn could draw up their swords and claim their first victory, come for him.

And by Illuvitar's name, they were coming for him.

Morwen however, had a more... Personal agenda. She was going to claim her revenge in a different way. She knew her Father would be either proud or a bit agitated over this, but did she really care?

Not particularly.

After slaying those things that he dared to call 'Eagles', they were really more of Chickens capable of winged flight, she made her way to the top floor of the fortress tower he cowered in, kicking the door to the floor, essentially shattering the bolts they were fixed upon.

[🖤] "Come now, Uncle..." She cooed in a sickly sweet voice that dripped with bitter and potent venom. "I just want a little heart-to-heart... We just have to make up for lost time.~"

Manwë, however, was not believing that tone for an instant. He knew who this child shared blood with, and to be honest? He feared that fact.

The guilt of all those short years ago, of that one yearling of a Princess watching her Mother weep over the imprisonment of her Father all the while her Brother was merely an infant... It resurfaced and intertwined with his utmost terror with a vengeance.

[🦅] "Please Morwen, I prefer we would settle this peacefully..." He said, his voice shaking more than he anticipated. "I-I couldn't explain while you were still a yearling as young as you were!"

[🖤] "Peacefully?" She practically spat the word out like it was a bitter piece of fruit. "After all these years of suffering and sorrow... And you dare suggest we settle this 'peacefully'?"

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