Don't leave me

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A/N: 🌚


Their were several things on everyone's minds tonight and several things they expected to hear but the Mikaelson's late little brother's name that had slipped past Klaus' lips was not one of them.

"What does Henrik have to do with anything?" Kol asked bewildered that if all of them Klaus was the one to bring up their brother.

"I'm hurt." Henrik sarcastically threw in holding his chest feigning a hurt expression. That's when everybody, excluding Caroline, turned to look at him even more confused.

But it was like a light bulb went off in everyone's head they gasped.

"Henrik." The Mikaelson whispered once they got a good look at him. Henrik smirked but on inside his body was screaming relief knowing they hadn't forgotten about him.

"It is I the best looking Mikaelson." He sighed dramatically bowing slightly. Caroline snorted and nudged him. He chuckled nudging her back. "You know its true." he whispered making her giggle.

Everyone watched their interaction curiously. But they snapped but to reality when they realized it was actually Henrik Mikaelson standing before them.

Rebekah walked towards him slowly. She stopped when she was right in front of him outstretching her hand to touch his arm, gently squeezing it to make sure she wasn't dreaming. A sob ripped through her as she threw her arms around his neck hugging him tightly. Henrik hugged her back just as tightly.

Somewhere through out the hug Kol and Elijah had snapped out of their shock and joined the hug.

When they finally let go and pulled back with teary eyes. Question after question came tumbling out of their mouths while Caroline, Katherine, Bonnie, and Stefan stood quietly on the side watching the reunion and having a small reunion themselves.

While questions were thrown at him left and right, Henrik, was staring at the one person who hadn't said a single word to him. Henrik knew Klaus felt guilty and it only confirmed his theory when Klaus wouldn't even look at him. So he did the rational thing. He side stepped his other siblings and made a beeline to Klaus.

Klaus looked up wide eyed seeing as his recently undead brother was headed straight for him. He contemplated running but he knew he was going to have to face him sometime soon.

When he was right in front of him Henrik threw his arms around Klaus. That caught Klaus off guard he was expecting a punch to the face not a hug. When he relaxed he wrapped his arms around his younger brother.

Out of all his siblings Henrik was closest to Klaus. They did everything together. And when he died he missed him the most. He saw everything. He saw how his brother slowly lost himself after becoming a vampire but then he saw how he slowly started changing back into Nik when he met Caroline.

"It wasn't your fault Nik." Henrik whispered in Klaus' ear. Klaus refused to break down in front of everyone. So he just nodded. But on the inside his mind was screaming that it was.

Once they broke apart and turned back to the group they noticed everyone was staring at them with smiles. Caroline's was the biggest because she knew that both of them were really nervous and trying not to breakdown in front of everyone.

"Aww Hen..." Caroline dragged with her hand over chest pouting dramatically.

"Shut up," Henrik retorted making everyone laugh.

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