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"Hey Care." Bonnie said with a big smile.

Caroline looked at her friend through tears, "Bonnie." she said in disbelief

"I'm here too, sweetheart, " Kol said making himself known from behind Bonnie.

Caroline looked up and gasped with wide eyes before flashing protectively in front of Bonnie.

"Kol, " she greeted him with a glare.

"Don't fret I'm not here hurt anyone, " he told Caroline putting his hands in front of him as a surrender.

Caroline seems to believed him because she moved from in front of Bonnie.

" where am I, why is Kol Mikaelson here?" Caroline asked Looking at Bonnie expectantly for answers.

"Well you're in your mind it's like a dream but it's very real. And I have something to tell you. And Kol is here because we're friends now." Bonnie says smiling at Kol who smiles back. The small gesture didn't go unnoticed by Caroline.

"Friends?" Caroline Said as if it were a foreign language.

"Yea I'll explain later. But we don't have a lot of time so I need to tell you..." Bonnie said continuing to tell Caroline about the spell she was going to do on the next full moon that will open a portal to the land of the living, and her and Kol will come home.

After that Caroline beamed at her friend and Kol happy that she'll get to see Bonnie in a month. But whatever she was about to say was cut short because Bonnie and Kol faded away and the next thing she knew she was shooting up from Klaus' arms gasping for air. She seemed to have startled him because he jump up looking around for a threat but saw nothing.

"What's wrong love?" He asked her coming to sit back down putting some of her ear making her heart speed up.

With a big smile she told him all about the "dream that's not really a dream". He seemed to have been happy that he was going to see his brother again because he was smiling too, before going to tell Rebekah and Elijah the news and kissing Caroline on her cheek. She touched her cheek when he walked out and smiled looking down.

*end of flashback*

*1 month later*

Today was the day Bonnie and Kol were coming back. Caroline and the originals were just sitting there waiting on the full moon that didn't seem so eager to rise, when Caroline's phone rung for what seemed like the first time since she's been there, except for the occasional call from her mom.

When she saw who was calling she couldn't believe her eyes. She scowled at her phone. Elena Gilbert. She had some nerve it took her a whole month to realize Caroline was gone and Caroline was pissed so she didn't answer. Elena called two more times she didn't answer she just rolled her eyes.

"Are you going to answer that?" Elijah asked her. Her and Elijah became friends over the pass month. Same with Rebekah. She was more of a friend to Caroline than Elena ever was. 

"Nope." Caroline said casually.

"Who is it?" Klaus asked curiously.

"Elena," Caroline told him.

"It's been a whole month and she's just now realizing that your gone," Rebekah scoffed in disbelief.

"Exactly," Caroline said rolling her eyes just as her phone rang again. But this time it wasn't Elena. Damon Salvatore. Caroline sighed and answered the phone.

"What Damon?" She spat, rolling her eyes again. All the originals looked at her surprised. They had not been expecting Damon to call.

"Woah! Who pissed in your blood bag?" Damon asked shocked.

"What do you want Damon?" Caroline asked trying to keep a controlled voice.

".Hello to you too Blondie. Anyways why haven't you been answering your phone? Elena is worried sick about you." Damon scolded Caroline. Caroline straight up laughed at his attempt to make her feel bad.

"Caroline?" Caroline heard after she heard the phone bring passed to someone.

Caroline had to get up and pace the living room to keep from bursting out foul words at her friend. She could feel the originals eyes on her but she kept pacing.

"Elena," Caroline greeted her supposed best friend.

"Caroline where are you? I went to the dorm today and desk lady says you haven't been here since last month. I thought something had happened to you." Elena said frantically.

"I'm in New Orleans." Caroline replied dryly.

"Why are you on New Orleans! In case you forgot the originals are there." Elena told Caroline slowly as if she were a toddler.

She could almost hear Rebekah and Klaus roll their eyes.

"I know Elena that's who I'm staying with." She explained to Elena in the same tone making the originals laugh.

"What?! Wait- Care are you compelled?!" Elena asked bewildered.

"No Elena I am not compelled," Caroline told her with a sigh making Elena sigh with relief.

"Well why are you in New Orleans Klaus left Mystic Falls we don't need you to distract him you can come home. I need you, your mom needs you." Elena told Caroline. That's when Caroline lost all cool she had left.

"You know what Elena? I DONT CARE what you need! If you haven't figured it out yet the world doesn't revolve around Elena Gilbert. You know Bonnie is dead. And Stefan is missing and your to busy being sexed up by his brother like your in your on R rated movie to notice anything wrong in the world! But I am done with the Elena Gilbert show." Caroline yelled at Elena threw her angry tears.

Elena gave the phone back to Damon while sobbing.

"What do you mean Bonnies dead and Stefan is missing?" Damon said sounding genuinely scared that something bad might've happen to his brother.

"Oh now you want to listen. I've been telling the both of you all summer something didn't feel right. But what did you?" Caroline asked fiercely.

"Blow it off." Damon muttered angry at himself.

"Exactly," Caroline said before hanging up.

Caroline had been so caught up in going off on Damon and Elena that she didn't even notice what was going on behind. The full moon had came up and Bonnie and Kol had jumped threw the portal already.

"Well that was quite the show," Kol said entertained.

Caroline whipped around to see the young Mikaelson and her Best friend holding hands. Bonnie let go of Kol's hand and jumped on her best friend giving her bear hug, which Caroline gladly return. The Mikaelsons shared a few hugs and smile before watching the two best friend cry tears of sheer joy all the while still hugging. They stared at them with a strange emotion because they weren't really the emotional type.

When Caroline and Bonnie stopped hugging Caroline she turned around and jumped on Kol. He lifted her off the floor and spun her around.

Everyone else raised an eyebrow. When Bonnie was back on her feet Caroline gave her a 'we're so talking about this later look'. Bonnie responded with an small shrug.

"WE'RE BACK!" Kol yelled happy to be home and smiling at Bonnie who tackled him into another hug which he returned just as fiercely.

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