Welcome To New Orleans

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Caroline's POV :

It took 3 and a half hours of vamp-speeding from Whitmore to New Orleans. But I didn't even care my rage was fueling me the whole way. I was now walking threw the crowded streets, and then I stopped all of a sudden realized I had no idea where I was going. So I walk in to the first bar I see. Once I sit down at the bar a blonde bartender with a smile walks over to me and ask "did you want anything,"

"Bourbon please," I say trying to let my anger seep threw my words, but I obviously fail because she ask me,

"Rough day?"

"More like rough year" I say truthfully

"Want to talk about it?" she ask politely

"Not really, I just need alcohol in my system if I'm going to get threw this day." I tell her really not wanting to talk to a stranger about my problems just so they can give me fake sympathy.

"Coming right up." She says laughing under her breath

she comes back with my glass of bourbon I down it quickly and get up to head out the door but I halt once I remember what I came in the bar for.

"Are you ok," the blonde bartender ask me slowly

I spin around on my heels and ask "Do you by any chance happen to know where the Mikaelson's live?"

She eyes me suspiciously and says "Um- Yeah I'll write it down for you."

She writes it down and hands it to me.

"Thank you...Camille," I say reading her name tag.

"Call me Cami, Camille sounds like an old lady name." She say with the big smile returning to her face.

"Ok Cami," I say and turn to walk out the door but I stop and look over my shoulder at her "I happen to like Camille."

She laughs shaking her head and says "Hey I didn't catch your name."

"It's Caroline, Caroline Forbes." I say and walk out the door

I vamp-speed to towards the the Mikaelson's, when I reach it I don't even bother knocking on the Mansion's door I just walk in. Once I'm inside all my anger washes back over me.

"HALEY!" I scream. NO answer. "HALEY!" I scream one more time knowing she's here because it reeks of wolf. Just as I was about to yell her name one more time, I hear a "WOOSH" come from behind me. I turn around and see an annoyed looking Rebekah Mikaelson.

"What's with all the bloody shouting, and pray tell what are you doing here ?" she says looking me up and down.

"Where is she?" I ask really not in the mood for her attitude.

"I have not the slightest clue of what your talking about," The other blonde says smirking.

"I'm really not in the mood for your games today Rebekah. SO I'll ask again. Where. is. she" I ask slowly punctuating after every word.

"AH. Jealous are we, that she's having my brothers child?" She ask still smirking.

YES. YES I AM ! I scream in my head even tho I know it's Tyler's I can't help but feel jealous that she slept with Klaus. I cringe at the thought, but I would never give her the satisfactory of hearing me say that out loud. So I just sigh and roll my eyes, "NO. But I am mad for other reasons. Where's the were-slut?"

"Behind you," Rebekah state's casually looking behind me.

I turn around and look at Haley who's color drained from her face once she saw me. But before she could say anything I had her up against the wall by her neck.

"I hate you, home wrecker!" I scream furiously in her face before tossing her across the room. But just as I was about to zoom over to her and break her neck I was being pressed against the wall by my shoulders by a confused looking Rebekah.

"What is your problem?" She ask me looking at me like I had grown two heads.

"HER!" I yell glaring at the she-wolf who was now getting off the floor wiping her bloody nose with a glare of her own.

"What did she do? If this is about my brother y-" I didn't let her finish I shoved her (HARD). She stumbles back a little and looks up at me with a murderous look. Just as she was about to pounce on me the front door flew open with a confused and almost amused looking Klaus and Elijah.

"Caroline what are you doing here?" Klaus asked looking at me like a starving lion with meat being waved in his face.

"About to kill her!" I say staring daggers at Haley who's eyes had been wide the whole time,

"Haley are you ok?" Elijah ask looking her from head to toe for any injuries.

"I'm fine Elijah," She answers quietly

"Yea...for now." I say walking back towards her. But before I can do anything Elijah grabs me.

"LET ME GO!" I scream at him

He looks skeptically at Rebekah for an explanation. She just shrugs and say's "Don't ask me she just bust threw the door shouting for Haley and when she saw her she grabbed her by her neck and threw her across the room. I stopped her before she could do anything else but then she shoved me," she says glaring at me I just roll my eyes. She looks back at Elijah, "and I was about snap her neck but you two walked in" she says looking between Klaus and Elijah "and you know the rest." She finishes off in a bored tone.

Elijah looks at me with an raised eyebrow and asked "Ms.Forbes what is your issue with Haley?"

I look at Haley and say "Tell em' were-slut or I will." Klaus' eyes widened at my dangerously low tone.

"I-I don't know what your talking." She stammers over her words.

The fact that she's lying right now pisses me off more. My nostrils flair and I kick Elijah in the shin, and before anyone could say or do anything I sped over to Haley in an inhumane speed and slammed her against the wall by her neck.

"Caroline." Klaus says in an warning tone I ignore him and stare down the wolf in front of me.

"Let's try this again. Tell them NOW!" I hiss at her with my vampire face. Her eyes go wide.

"Ok- Ok-I-will" She chokes out from under my tight hold.

I let her go and she slumps down the wall slowly. Rebekah and Elijah rush over to see if she's ok. While Klaus eyes me. I step back to put a couple feet from the pregnant she-wolf and the two originals.

After she catches her breath and looks towards me I raise an eyebrow with an impatient look on my face. She nods slowly understanding the silent message.

"Well... we haven't got all day." Rebekah urges as she stands up from her crouching position with a hand on her hip.

"Its about the baby," Haley says slowly. Klaus looks at me wide eyed as if he didn't want me to know. I furrow my eyebrows at him he looks at his feet shamefully. Is he nervous ? I ask myself in my head. But I turn my attention back to the recent bane of my existence and cock my head at her.

"Continue," I grit out threw clenched teeth.

She looks at her feet and then at Klaus who was now squinting at her.

"It's not yours." She finally croaks out

WHAT A GREAT WELCOMING ! I think to myself.

A/N I'm gonna try to update 2x a week . But I hope you enjoyed this chapter ! 😁

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