The other side

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*3 months ago when Bonnie dies and brings Jeremy back*

"HOW ARE YOU JUS- JUST DEAD?! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO TELL ELENA OR- OR CAROLINE?!" Jeremy yells with tears in his eyes.

"Tell them I'm traveling the world and I'm fine." Bonnie says with a sad smile and tears in the rim of her eyes.

"I'm so sorry Bonnie. This is my fault." The young Gilbert says shamefully letting the tears spill down his cheeks.

"NOPE! Unh unh you aren't going to blame yourself for this. This is my fault now I'm going to have to deal with the consequences." The brown beauty says trying to convince herself for than him that she had good reasoning for doing what she did.

"Y-your dead," he chokes back a sob and continues "I love you Bonnie." He says trying to caress her tear stained features, but his hands goes right threw. He sighs and looks at her.

"I love you to Jeremy never forget that. But I don't want you to put your life on hold for me. I want you to get back out there. Get married have kids and live your life." She said trying to keep it together for him.

He couldn't even say anything he just nodded.

"I'll check up on you soon. Goodbye jer." She said as she faded away from Jeremy who broke down after she left.

Once she went back to the other side she saw him break down and had her own break down in the middle of the empty mystic falls road.

She was alone.

*1 week later*

Bonnie checked up on everyone every once in a while. She saw how Caroline was really the only one who questioned her sudden disappearance. And she was grateful she had a friend like Caroline.

She saw how Caroline looked for Stefan. Hell She even looked for Stefan, it was like he fell off the face of the earth.

She saw how Elena blew off Caroline on many occasions to hang out. She didn't like how Damon was effecting her personality. The Elena she knew would never be so wrapped up in a boy to not be able to make plans with her best friend.

She saw Jeremy separating himself from the outside world. So she went to talk to him.

"Hey jer." She said with a big smile.

He took off his headphones with wide eyes.

"Bonnie?" He asked unsure if she was really here or if he was finally hallucinating.

"Yep. We need to talk." She said getting serious remembering why she came.

"W-wassup?" He Asked unsure of why she paid him a visit.

"You can't disconnect your self from the world. Make friends. Join a sport. Anything but not this. Promise me you'll try."She said with a sigh knowing she was the reason why he was doing this.

"I promise."

And with that she faded away leaving Jeremy in his thoughts.

*1 month later*

Bonnie woke up and did her usual routine.

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