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Tommys POV

I wake up to an a snoring Tubbo, trying not to wake him up I slide out of bed and look at the time.'7:28 AM' might as well put clothing out for me and Tubbo. I grab out a light green sweater and light blue ripped jeans and to top it off with a dark green beanie, and for me I grab my usual red and white shirt with beige jeans. 

'9:00 AM'

I might as well go get Tubbo up.. I go over to the bed quietly so he's not awoken is a rude way. "Tub's it's time to get up.." He groans in affirmation and not to long after a sleepy Tubbo rises from the bed. "Good morning Tubster, I set an outfit out for you on the other bed, go change in the washroom and make sure to brush your teeth." Tubbo nods then grabs his outfit and goes to their shared bathroom, not to long later Tubbo comes out fully dressed and sits down on the bed next to me. We sit there for a bit until we hear a loud knock at the door and instinctively I shield Tubbo by swooping in front of him, the door swings open and Mrs. Penny is standing there. Mrs. Penny is one of the workers at the orphanage she's one of the nicer workers, she's been there since they first arrived.

"Good morning! there is a family coming to visit around noon and i've brought your food up to you guys because I know you don't feel safe downstairs." Mrs. Penny said handing them their food.

"Thank you Mrs. Penny!" Both of the boys said and with that Mrs. Penny left.

Tubbo and I went back to our normal sitting positions on the bed and Tubbo started eating his food while I just sat there staring at it in hopes it would just disappear  I guess I zoned out for a bit because Tubbo was yanking my sleeve giving me a confused look and pointing at my full bowl of food, I sighed and ate some of it not wanting to worry Tubbo he smiled at me and put his empty food bowl down, Tubbo started getting his bag ready incase they got adopted. I slipped out of the room and poured out the remaines of food and thought about throwing it up but decided against it I slipped back into the room and zoned out for a bit letting my mind consume me.

"Tommy you are the reason you and Tubbo have been in bad homes, You will ruin Tubbos chances at getting adopted so I'd suggest just exapting fait and letting tubbo leave wwith a good family."

"Tommy, the food is making you look fat already! c'mon lets go throw it up"





I was snapped back to reality, The first thing I saw was a worried Tubbo. 

"Tommy! Are you okay?" Tubbo said in a worried tone. "Yes Tubs, I'm okay I just zoned out." I snapped my head over to the time 'Geez it's already been 2 hours we have roughly an hour till' the family arrives.' I do as Tubbo did earlier and packed my bag and as I finished packing almost as if it was planned Mrs. Penny showed up and told us that the family had arrived so we went down together Tubbo behind me so I could protect him if the family tried anything. There was a tall blond man in a green and white hat and a green jumper with a dark green sweater, if i had to assume i'd say he was the father beside him was two younger looking boys i'd say around 17-19 the one who looked oldest had pink hair tied in a ponytail he was wearing round glasses and a white button up, black jeans, black boots and, a crown the other boy had fluffy brown hair and was wearing a burgundy beanie, yellow sweater and, black pants that matched his black shoes. 

"Hello, boys! My name in Phil.. and beside me is Techno and Wil" Phil spoke up. "Hi! I'm Tubbo and this is my brother Tommy." Tubbo said joyfully but I could hear the hint on fear. we walked into the meeting room and sat down, me and tubbo across the table from phil techno and wil. I watched as Tubbo talked to everyone while I was also observing their actions I haven't been able to detect anything off from them, they must be good at hiding it. I felt a tap on my shoulder at first I flinched then snapped my head to where I felt the tapping coming from it was Phil. "Hey, bud I haven't heard anything from you, want to tell me a bit about yourself?" phil said quietly as to not disrupt the others conversation and to not startle Tommy "Uh..Sure, I like.. It's silly but I like minecraft and Tubbo and that's really it" Tommy said "It's not silly! Techno really likes minecraft he plays that game a lot."Phil replied "Oh. Do you like Tubbo?" Tommy asked with a hit of nervousness "Yes, he seems like a really nice kid I bet he gets it from you though!"

They talked for a while until they had to leave and make there decision

They chose to...

Sorry cliffhanger but i think we all know what there going to choose. 

How was my first chapter!! did you guys enjoy?? Sorry for an possible errors!

921 words

Tommy + Tubbo AdoptionWhere stories live. Discover now