🥀Bonding 🥀

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 (Tommy's POV) + Time skip to a month later

we're all at the table eating breakfast- well they are eating break fast I'm just staring at my food until someone kicks my ankle, it was Techno? 'Why would he kick me?' "You don't have to eat it all but atleast eat this much." He says in a whisper while cutting up my food leaving half of the omlett. "Thanks Tech" "No problem buddy"

After I finish up, Phil starts talking "I had an idea, because you guys haven't had much bonding time I though we have days to go out and bond y'know, so like today Techno you and Tommy could go out and Wil you and Tubbo can go out then over the next two days I'll take Tommy and Tubbo out. Does that sound like a good idea?"   

"Yeah I really like that idea!" "Alright! when do you guys want to go?" "Once Tommy is dressed to go out." With that I got up and made my way up the stairs Techno following not to far behind, once we got upstairs he stood in front of the bathroom door 'He wont let me in so there's no use asking' I entered to the so I could get dressed 'I know Tubbo told Wil about his separation issues so hopefully he will be okay with Tubbo borrowing his phone' I grabbed my usual red and white shirt and put that on and for pants Iput on black sweatpants.

Time skip  

We've been driving for an hour now and he won't tell me where we are going so I decided might as well be annoying, right.

'Are we there yet?" 


"Are we there yet" 

"No Tommy but it's only 6 kilometers ahead"

That went on for roughly 6 minutes before we arrived at a large field, once we got out he led me to a tall oak tree and a bench "Tommy this is a place dad used to bring me when I was struggling, we used to talk for hours here, so I wanted you to get  chance to come here too."

I talked about my past and he talked about his and I told him about my parents and he said he hadn't even meet his parents they just shipped him away, I told him about what I saw when I was unconscious in the hospital. we talked for what seemed to be hours- or I guess it was hours because when we got off the bench it was past sundown the drive home was nice he got take out, which I ate almost all of! 

When we arrived home Wil and Tubbo where snuggled up on the couch asleep while a movie played and Phil was in the dining room. "Welcome home boys! what where you guys up too?"  "I brought him to the tree you used to bring me too." "Oh! Did you guys have fun and most importantly did you guys eat?" "Yes I picked up fast food and Tommy at most of it and it's still in his system and we had load of fun. This was a great idea dad." 

The rest of the conversation was a blur I snapped back into reality when I was carrying Tubbo to our bed, I tucked him in then got in the bed too drifting off into dreamland..- or nightmare.

"Thomas."multiple voices said at once "Thomas!" they chanted again all appearing in the small black room all of mine and Tubbos past abusers are right in front of me whenever I made eye contact with one a clip played of the worst thing they did to me, they were slowly coming at me about to hurt me when I was awoken by the sounds of sobbing and a male voice 

Tubbo.. Tubbo was crying and Techno was trying to calm him while trying to wake me up,once Tubbo saw I was awake he gave me a big hug "Tommy you wouldn't wake up, was it the dream again?"  Tubbo said "No no it was a different one. After a bit Tubbo was sound asleep again "Wanna tell me about your dream?" "Uh yeah. please." I told him about the dream, how I had to see there faces and what they did to me and how they were coming to kill me or hurt me . He hugged me and I fell asleep again but this time not having a nightmare.

I was awoken by Wil calling my name this time. "Tommy! its our day to hang out you gotta get ready!" "Okay, okay I'll start getting ready." I got up and grabbed a white shirt a grey sweater and blue jeans and put that on and left my room when I went downstairs there was nobody at the table eating breakfast which was odd but when I looked at the time I understood why there was no breakfast the time read 


"Ready? we can pick up food when we get there." Wil said "alrighty." we started walking i'm assuming its because Techno took the car it wasn't a long walk though, the place we are at is huge 

the first place we went to had music related stuff I got two mini discs one has green in the center and the other has purple and white in the center and a mini disc player, Wil got music sheets after that store he brought me to a plushie store I got a cow plush and a little slime plush we went to a few more while I told him about my past and why I was in the orphanage and he told me about his past while we just picked up stuff here and there, once we were done we went to the food court.

"We can split a one foot sub if you want." He said with a smile "Yes please, thank you Wil!" I give him a hug. I chose a booth and he ordered a few minutes later he came back with a clubhouse sub. He gave me my half and we just talked about anything and everything, I got to know him a bit better. once I was finished my half of the sub he gave me a highfive and a hug. 

"I was thinking when we get home we can watch a movie?" "Yeah! can we watch 'All the bright places'?" "Of course." We packed and went home.

When we got home me and Wil made a little blanket fort on the couch and watched a movie, somehow in a span of two hours we were all on the floor with take-out and pillows and blankets bingeing random movies . 

Time skip to the next day 

We had breakfast already and me and Phil where on the road, he chose to take me out first. "Tommy I just wanted you to know I am so proud of you, you are doing so well with recovery." "Thanks, Dad it's hard but I will do it for you guys." we talked more mostly about how he can help me, comfort stuff I do, etc. 

We pulled up to walmart and he brought me over to the device section "Tommy, I'm going to get you a phone so if you need me EVER I'll be a call away and Tubbo will get one tomorrow because I know he gets anxious being away from you." He said with a smile "You really don't have to." "I don't have to but I want to." and with that be bought the phone. 

He got me some clothing and after shopping we went to a park I played there for a few hours until we inevitably had to go home.  

Done this chapter finally i've been working on it for three hours writer's block in a pain :/

1300 words

Tommy + Tubbo AdoptionWhere stories live. Discover now