🥀 Shopping+ visitors🥀

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Tommy's POV (Time skip brought to you by the green homeless teletubby)   

We are in the car Phil said something about getting me and Tubbo clothing and decoration for our room and then getting some lunch, It was a short drive I zoned out for a bit  until I head Phil start talking. "Where here, Techno and Wil you can go pick out some random stuff while me and the boys go to the clothing part of the shop?" "Yeah that's a good plan, once we are all done shopping can we meet at Tim's?" Phil nodded and we all got out of the car going our separate ways.

Tubbo got a bunch of bee related clothing and I got a bunch of red and white shirts and jeans I got him a bee plushie a few other decorations for the room.

(Time skip because author had an idea)

We are now in Tim's Phil got me and Tubbo a muffin Tubbo got a chocolate muffin and I got blueberry muffin and Techno and Wil got bagels Phil got a wrap. I took a look around the Tims until something caught my eye or shall I say someone one of my past guardian was sitting across the room it took me a second to realize they both were here it seems like they saw me too because they got up I started panicking "Uh..Phil could I use the washroom?" "Yeah! you don't need to ask though" He says with a smile. I get up and rush to the washroom I keep my eye on the adults they change their path and follow me to the bathroom, once I'm in the washroom I go into a stall and try to hide "Tommy there is no use in hiding, I'll just get Tubbo." I exit the stall 'It's just a little beating and Tubbo will be safe' I repeat those words in my head. The man and woman knocked him off his feet and started kicking him in the sides. "Hey Tommy, why are you wasting that poor family's money you know you're just going to throw it up because you are FAT." After a bit of them kicking at him and repeating stuff they used to say to me, they stopped? 'Maybe they finally left me?' He started trying to get up but before he could a familiar feeling of arm being wrapped around him pulling him into a hug...It's Techno?  "Tommy, bud its me Techno, don't worry about the man and woman I dealt with them, you are safe." I started sobbing so many memories came back I had to relive the abuse again. "Tommy, who are they?" Techno said in a stern voice, I took a while to breathe "They were one of mine and Tubbos past guardian." I said in-between sniffles. We get up and he cleans me off "Tom.. Nobody will ever hurt you again." He puts the unconscious adults against the wall and we exit the washroom Phil gives Techno a worried glance, 'I mean I would be worried to if your son was helping your other son walk after disappearing for a while.. wait did i just call myself Phils son? It has a nice ring to it I think I'm going to like being in this family' 

"Tom? Why were you in the bathroom for so long?" Phil said raising an eyebrow "I-" I was about to say something but Techno cut me off "It's nothing, he was just feeling a bit sick." 'Techno to the rescue!" I smiled at him. "Oh okay well I just got off the phone with George and Dream they want to meet you guys! If that's okay." "Yeah!! Meeting new people!! Pog!" Tubbo says practically yelling. "Alright it's settled they'll be at the house in 20 minutes."

(Time skip back to the house brought to you by Drista)

Me and Tubbo where sitting on the couch he was snuggled up to me, I didn't tell him what happened I don't want to worry him. 


Phil starts running to the door practically racing Wil, Wil ended up getting to the door first and greeted the visitors i'm going to assume the visitors are George and Dream 'What the fuck kind of name is Dream??' As the visitors entered the house I pulled Tubbo closer to me 'I can't let my guard down' Dream came over and kneeled down in front of us, "Hi! My name is Dream! What's your guys's names?" "Hi, I am Tommy and this is my younger brother Tubbo." "Oh well then hello Tommy and Tubbo how old are you guys?" "I am 13 and Tubbo is 6 also what kind of name is Dream?"I said sounding very confused, Dream chuckled "Dream is just my screen name my actual name is Clay." George come over with Wil trailing behind him and they both sat beside us, Techno was probably reading and Phil was coming to sit down too. "Oh right, This is my boyfriend George, George this is Tommy and Tubbo" "Hi!!" George said enthusiastically 

They all had a good time surprisingly they talk about anything and everything until eventually they had to leave, little did I know when they left Phil and I would have to have a serious talk..

Alright sorry guys. I just wanted to get this chapter out fast. I'll try and get another chapter out tonight or tomorrow morning :) 

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