Cute little oneshot

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TW: Bulimia 

-Tommy's POV- 

I don't know what came over me it's currently dinner time and the voice is back.. 

C'mon for old time sake let's take a trip to the washroom.

'No I can't do this, I haven't in so long.'

One last time if you do it i'll leave you alone.  


"Can I please be excused from the table?" 

"Yeah you know you don't have to ask." Phil said in a soft tone. I instantly got up and and made my way upstairs and into the bathroom, once entering the washroom I closed the door then going to the toilet a wave of guilt washed over me.

'I have to do this..' I kneeled in front of the toilet and shoved my fingers down my throat soon enough the food I had ate was coming up my throat I took my finger's out and vomit started falling out of my mouth. 

'God i'm finally at a healthy weight and I do this??'

Tommy.. you stupid kid that's just the start i'm back baby. Finally back to play some more.

Tears started pricking my eyes once I was done vomiting I leaned against the wall and started sobbing. The door creaked open and in walked Techno he has a sad look on his face. Techno walked over to me and sat next to me. "Tommy... I'm not mad but you you please tell me what happened?"

"I...The voice came back, it told me to do this and if I did it would leave me alone but when I did it, it said it was back essentially saying it's staying." 

"Oh kid, please tell me when this stuff happens i'll take you out we can go to the tree we can have a little brothers day, I'll distract you . Got it" I nodded then snuggled up to him letting the stress of my day go away while drifting into a slumber.

I want to update this book a bit more but just with little cute oneshot's n stuff so if there's any one shots you want put in this you can add it in the comments :)

Words: 354

Tommy + Tubbo AdoptionWhere stories live. Discover now