🥀Chat + Tubbo and Wil moment 🥀

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(Tommys POV)

Finally they left, don't get me wrong they were nice and all I just had too much socialization today and I am really tired. I still don't understand that Dream name what the heck is a 'screen name.' "Hey, Tommy could you come up to my room please?" A voice said from afar I think it was Phil? "Uh, yeah sure one second." I got up from the couch and made my way up to Phil's room. I was correct, it was Phil calling, once I made it to his room I entered and sat on his bed where he was. "Hey Tom, can I ask why you were actually in the washroom for so long and why when you came out you were limping and having Techno support you?" "Yeah but could Techno be here too. I'd feel better having him here." "Yeah yeah definitely. Techno could you come to my room!!?" We didn't get a response but not too long later Techno showed up and sat down next to me. Phil explained that I requested to have him here to comfort me. "So let me start from the beginning, when we were in Tim Hortons I saw one of mine and tubbos past caretakers witch also ended up being one of our many abusers, I asked to 'use' the washroom to get keep them away from me and Tubbo because I noticed them trying to come over to us so once I went to the washroom they followed me, I hid in a stall but that really did nothing because they said they'd just get Tubbo so I let them beat me a bit." I was sobbing at this point and had Phil and Techno hugging me, I guess I totally forgot that I'm tired and ended up falling asleep in their embrace.

(Tubbo's POV)

I was starting to get worried Tommy had left and isn't back yet 'what if Phil is hurting him! Phil wouldn't do that right?' If he was I wasn't going to just sit around "Wil could we check on Tommy?" "Yeah of course" me and Wil went up and popped our heads into Phils room 'he's safe and sleeping, good.' he and Wil went back down and sat on the couch ' Wil always so kind to me, I feel bad because i never do anything in return so he's always nice to me but i'm never nice back, I feel like i should do something nice in return.' I snuggled into Wil "Hey Wil thank you for being so kind to me, This is the first home anyones treated me and Tommy nice in." "Aw, Tubbo you and Tommy are my brothers now and I will always try my very hardest to be as nice as possible to you guys because I love you guys." "I love you to Wil.." He says as he falls asleep snuggled into me. I take a picture and fall asleep as well.

(Phils POV)

I tucked Tommy into my bed. 'I'll let him nap for a bit. They all still have to eat dinner. It hurts to know someone even laid a finger on my boys. I love them so much and to know someone has hurt them makes me so mad. Techno left, he seemed sad but also livid, which he has every right to feel mad. I know he has a soft spot for the boys and he's probably just as hurt as I am to know they've been hurt.'

I planted a kiss on his forehead and left the room to make dinner. When I went downstairs I saw Wil and Tubbo cuddling and napping I snapped a picture then went to start dinner.

Hi! Author again sorry this one was short I wanted to get it out fast and I deleted it at first so I had to re-write haha but anyways thank you for 35 reads!! <3 

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