🥀forgiveness & serious talk 🥀

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 (Phils POV ) + Time skip to later in the night

I haven't slept yet the fear of loosing Tommy is eating at me, I'm happy Tubbo and Wil are having a nap Tubbo obviously cuddling  up to Tommy in the hospital bed and Wil is napping on a reclining chair one of the nurses brought in. Techno had left to grab some snacks. I looked back over to the small frail boy and couldn't hold back the tears, I walked over to him and sobbed collapsing next to the bed 'We haven't even spent that long together yet I already love him so much.'

(Tommys POV) wHat??

'Where am I??' I was in a room It was dull and empty, I took a look around and saw two figures.. they slowly approached me it was.. "M-mom? Dad? where are we and why am I here?" "Oh Toms this place is where you go before you die, the only reason I am here is to grant you a second chance at life if you want to obviously." "No, I don't ever want to go back, there ever again!" "Tommy can I show you something before you fully make up you mind?" "sure fine." The room faded away and I was in the hospital staring at a man crying beside a hospital bed.. Poor guy, When I look over at the bed I see.. me, the man must be Phil! Tubbo cuddling up to me and Wil he was sleeping but I could tell he was crying 'Did I fuck up? Maybe they don't find me annoying maybe Tubbo does need me. I think I fucked up.' "That's not all we wanted to show you Toms" we walked out of that room and down a few halls to see Techno he is a mess and his eyes are red and puffy I just wanted to hug him.. 'Who knew they cared that much.' The hospital faded and we were back in that room "So now that you've seen that do you want to go back?" "Yes yes yes, please!" "Alright, but you have to make me a deal to get help." I give them both a hug and nod before the room fades once again and I'm in the hospital bed, my eyes peel open "P-phil?" He peeks up, 'God I feel so bad having put them in this situation.' "Tommy! Oh my goodness! you are awake thank god." He pulls me into a hug I wince a bit, 'shit i forgot about those' "I'm sorry Phil, I don't know what I was thinking.." "It's okay buddy, its okay."  Techno enters the room and at first he looked as if he was going to cry again but once he saw me, he just ran over and joined our hug." All of this commotion woke up Tubbo and Wil at first they stared at me with disbelief until I was practically attacked with hugs. 

"Tommy I am so sorry, I'm sorry I let something that small get me so upset, please forgive me!" Tubbo cried out

"Tubbo, you don't have to say sorry I do. I'm sorry I almost left you over a silly fight , we good?"

"We're good" Tubbo says with a smile. 

(Time skip to the next day in the afternoon brought to you by rushing author)

'Phils been gone for a while, he left because he had a phone call, I wonder what it's about' 

Techno hasn't left my side unless its to grab snacks, Tubbo went home with Wil because he was exhausted. 

"Techno, thank you." "For what?" Techno asks "For caring." "Tommy you are my brother now I'll always care about you."  We sit in a comfortable silence until Phil shows back up into the room.

"Toms, can we talk?" I nod "I just got you a therapist who specializes in eating disorders and helps deal with depression, he can also help you cope with trauma flashbacks and dreams, I am sorry I did this behind your back I just want to help." "....Thank you, Dadza." The biggest smile forms on Phils face, he walks over and pulls me into a big hug "You're welcome...son." 

Finally I got it out, sorry for the late publish I was struggling to put ideas together also I'm thinking of making another book after this one where Tommy regresses and Techno will be the one to care for him. 

733 words  

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