Chapter 14 - Standing In The Shadows

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I wouldn't blamed you if you thought that's how the story ended. I would've loved for my story to end that way. But unfortunately, this isn't the case.

The following day is when things had taken a turn for the worst.

Lou pinched in between his eyes. You could tell he was trying to hide the fact that he was irritated. It was almost funny to watch.

That day, we'd just gone for a walk around the town, and run into Tuesday. Tuesday was one that loved to talk. Especially to Lou. She didn't like him the same way she did years ago, but she was probably the last Lou stan in town. Besides myself of course.

Tuesday: ...Her name's jenny! Oh, and she has a prototype in her room! It's a boat though...

Lou continued to nod. He sighed every few minutes waiting for her to take a breath so he could politely interrupt her and leave. She never did, though. Like, ever.

Lou: Okay! Wow! That's uh, really interesting, Tuesday.

He turned to me and almost whispered.

Lou: You can head back home now, if you like. I'll just be a few minutes.

I nodded. He attempted a smile, but didn't make it as Tuesday resumed her story about some kind of boat her human child has. I turned around and took a few steps. I slowed my walking so that Lou could catch up easily. And maybe also because my lower body was still sore from the previous night.

I gazed up at the colorful sky. It was afternoon, and the wind was a gentle breeze. I walked along houses and alleys for a while until someone had caught my attention.

"Oh...Hey, Micheal."

He seemed surprised, embarrassed even that I'd seen him. Truth be told, I almost didn't. I was too naive to find it weird that he was just standing in the shadows.

Micheal: Uh, Hi.

I walked closer to him and smiled.

"What's up?"

He stepped back and scanned me up and down. I continued walking toward him.

"Are you okay?"

He finally stopped walking, and so did I. I was too busy looking if he was injured or something to contemplate that I'd just walked into a really dark alley.

Micheal: Yeah I'm fine... Sorry, I just...Um...

I tilted my head curiously. He stammered at first, which I found extremely odd. It weirded me out whenever he was insecure or nervous. It just wasn't like him.

Micheal: Uh, never mind. Sorry. It's not important. Please go. Before something happens...

He looked away from me for a moment. I stood still. I was sure he might've been hurt or something.

He looked at me for a second time, however this time, he stared at my neck.

Micheal: Um, what-

He cleared his throat.

Micheal: What's on your neck?

I felt my neck, and instantly remembered the mark Lou had left the night before. I covered it with my shirt collar in a panic. Micheal stared at me for the longest time, until he finally scoffed. He bit the crook of his finger for a second and put on an indifferent expression.

Micheal: Lou did that?

I wasn't sure what to answer. It really was none of his business, but I also didn't want to be rude.


He exhaled. I immediately wished I hadn't gotten closer to him. I wished I had ignored him. I wish I hadn't left Lou.

Micheal: That fucking...bastard...

With each word he took a step toward me. My knees began to tremble. I couldn't move.

Micheal: ...He takes what's mine...He uses it...And marks it as his own...

It was as if a switch had been flipped. He'd completely changed within a split second.

"Micheal, please. Calm down."

Micheal: Don't tell me to calm down, you slut!

He grabbed my arm violently, and pulled me toward him. I pulled away, but it wasn't enough to get me free.

"Micheal, please! Let go!"

He threw me to the ground and my head struck a brick wall.
For a second I was dizzy and my breath had become shaky. I felt him pin me down by the back of my wrists. My stomach was all scratched up by the pavement and blood began to trickle down the right side of my head. Eventually, I managed to roll on my back and kick him in the stomach. Though I almost wish I hadn't. He groaned in pain. But that only lasted for a second.

Micheal: How dare you! You filthy whore!

"No, Micheal-, please!"

I prayed someone would hear my cry. It felt like no one ever would. Suddenly, I felt the most awful feeling in my right leg. I screamed at the top of my lungs. Tears trickled down my face and fused with the blood that lingered beside me.

Suddenly...It sounded as if I was underwater. Everything was silent. Peaceful, even. I felt hands wandering my body, but at that point, I'd completely given up. All I could see was the pool of blood on the ground and the brick wall, which was only a few feet away from me. I can't remember how long it lasted, but I was there for a while. Michael did whatever he wanted with me, while I layed there hopelessly.

After a while, I heard muffled yelling. Two different voices, though. I felt too tired to get up or roll over to see what was going on. I couldn't even talk. It felt like that scream was the last of my voice. I felt empty for what seemed like a thousand years. Not even my emotions made themselves known.

I could feel my mind slipping away, like when you drop something heavy in the ocean and it sinks until it's completely out of sight.

I didn't care anymore.

I just wanted to disappear.

I just wanted to die.


My mind was empty for once. No sadness. No happiness. No sounds. No voices. Well, besides the one I kept hearing. It was muffled, but whatever he was talking about seemed important. A towel gently rubbed my head injury as I sat in a tub full of water and few bubbles. I gasped softly, and the towel jerked away from me. I looked at the blonde beside me. He had a bruise near his jaw, and a scratch near his eye. I looked into his eyes. I tried hard to make out what he was saying, but it was no use. It was like someone put him on mute.

(Lou's POV)

I pressed a towel gently, at the injury on Nolan's head. He jumped, and I immediately pulled away.

Lou: Sorry.

He looked at me from the water-filled tub, holding some water in his palms.

Lou: I understand it hurts, but we have to clean your wound, or it'll get infected.

All he did was stare at me. I couldn't tell what he was thinking about. That frustrated me. I fell to my knees, and buried my head in my arms on the ledge of the tub. I sighed to myself, reminiscing what had happened. The wave of guilt was constant. It was all my fault. I was the one who'd told him to go ahead. I was to blame. Somehow I managed to win against Micheal, and luckily I was able to bring Nolan back home.

I checked the clock and it read "3:24am". It'd been about 8 hours, and Nolan hadn't said a single word. I was lucky if he made a sound or eye contact with me. I felt hopeless. What good was I if I couldn't even protect him?

Tears began to form, and my nose became runny. Suddenly I felt a small, cold hand lay on my arm. I looked up at the pair of eyes that had mesmerized me so many times. He looked concerned for me, but at the same time, confused.

"Blink twice if you can hear me."

I said in a low voice. All he did was stare at me and tilt his head.


How could someone be so cruel to an angel?

How can someone feel absolutely nothing while hurting someone who has done nothing wrong?

MINE (Part II) - Nolou/Uglydolls FanficWhere stories live. Discover now