Chapter 8

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Sorry haven't updated just a little busy with stuff.

Okay so long chapter today HOPE YOU ENJOY :)

Chapter 8

Scott POV

My dad and I came home early on Saturday since his meeting got cancelled. My dad is a doctor like Stella's parents who are trying to figure out a cure for cancer. I plopped on the couch and decided to text Charlie since I felt bad about his brother. My dad asked me whether I wanted pizza or Chinese takeout for dinner. My mom had died when I was very little and I don't really remember her. Since my dad is always working we usually eat out, I told him whatever is good and texted Charlie, "Hey Charlie are you okay?" It took him a while to reply but when he finally did he wrote back, "Ya fine, I'll see you at school." Guess he's not really in the mood to talk.

I walked in the kitchen to see my dad taking out the frozen pizza from the fridge and put it in the oven while I got a cup of juice. I sat in the chair and eventually zoned out, when the oven dinged I got the pizza out and put it on the counter. I took 2 plates and 1 cup out for my us so my father sat down and started to discuss, "So Scott, how are your grades going?" He wants me to be a doctor just like him but I just don't see that in my future.

I put my slice down since it's hot, "there fine, I guess" I'm getting really good at English with Victoria's help but I'm not planning on telling him that my grades weren't so good especially my science one. Although I'm sure my 80+ exams will make my average higher, I really studied hard for those exams. "Scott I want you to follow in my footsteps, who knows, maybe you'll become famous and succeed in curing something just like me. So just try okay?" I nodded and then my dad's phone rang he picked it up quickly and mouthed to me that this was important, he'd be having dinner in his office. I sat there alone and decided to go to bed since it was already 11 by the time we got back.

Next Day

Still Scott POV

I hear an annoying sound and a blue thing flashing on my laptop screen so I wake up. Since I put my laptop beside my bed I take it sit up and answer the Skype group call that Mo set up. Olivia looked dressed up as I assumed she's an early riser, Wen's eating breakfast with his family and Mo was in her room awake and ready for the day as well.

Charlie didn't answer the call and Stella didn't either so I was the only one still in my pajamas, "What are you guys early risers or something?" Wen chuckled and said, "No we all got an email from Mo saying that we need to have a last minute rehearsal on Sunday for our music assignments. Also its 9" Olivia smiled and Mo just continued, "He musn't have read it. Are you back from your dad's business trip?"

I ruffled my hair and said, "Ya we came back early yesterday." Olivia kept talking, "Ms. Reznik also just sent us an email about a dance rehearsals after our music assignment practice?" I replied, "Okay slow down so what time is our music practice?" Mo said, "It's at 10 for two hours to practice our songs to perfect it and stuff. You know the new groups right?" I checked my email and nodded knowing that I'm in Olivia's group now.

"I also got the music for your new song Olivia, I'm using my acoustic right?" She nodded and I sighed, "Guys its 9 already how are we getting to the auditorium?" Mo was texting someone rapidly and angrily I could see. "I'm trying to get Stella to pick up her phone so she can pick us up, since she's allowed to use her mom's car."

Finally Stella picked up and I could hear her groggy hello, "Stella?! No wake up missy it's 9 in the morning and we have music practice today. Yeah it is, now get your lazy ass up and pick us up so we can go to the auditorium. K, I'll tell the others." She hung up and told us that Stella will be at our houses in like half an hour, Olivia said k, Wen said that's fine and then Mo told me to get ready. Olivia told us she needed to feed her cat and hung up Wen said Georgie was bothering him so he left, it was me and Mo left.

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