2 - Homeroom

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Author's Note: Smajor replaced Wilbur Soot. If in the next chapters I miss any replacements (likely won't appear past chapter 40 or so) PLEASE inform me. #SupportShelby <3

"Alright class, settle down, settle down!" The teacher called out.

Apparently him and Toby had the same homeroom. They had found that out because one of the teachers had been giving out papers in the front foyer. When they looked at their papers it said they were in the same homeroom. Tommy was disappointed that he wasn't there as well, but sucked it up and went to his homeroom.

When they had entered they took seats next to each other, near the back. Ranboo usually sat at the back of the classroom so he wasn't really noticed. Him and Toby were talking quietly and found out that both of them were introverts. In fact, both of them sat in the back because of the same reasons.

I've never met someone who's so much like me!

"I am Mrs. Jeyson and I will be your homeroom teacher. To start off how about we all introduce ourselves!" Mrs. Jeyson looked around the room as if to address the whole class. Her ice blue eyes scanned the room and her blonde hair was waving with the breeze coming in from an open window.

Her outfit was plain but nice, a white shirt and blue jeans. Her shoes looked bright and new, as though she had just bought them recently. She looked to be about 25 or 30 at least. Her skin was so light Ranboo thought she might had been drenched in bleach.

"Any volunteers to introduce themselves first?" She asked.

One of the guys in the front raised his hand. He was wearing a simple blue shirt and had stylish blonde hair.

"Ah yes, please stand up and introduce yourself!" Mrs. Jeyson sounded pleased that someone had finally volunteered.

He stood up and looked around. He didn't look nervous but he didn't look confident either, which confused Ranboo.

"My name is Scott, and I am quite excited to be part of this school." He introduced himself.

"Anything else we should know?" Mrs. Jeyson asked him.

Scott brushed his hair to the side and thought for a moment.

"I like playing games." He said.

Mrs. Jeyson nodded and he sat down. She went through a few more kids until she got to the very back of the classroom, where Toby and Ranboo were. Toby stood up and introduced himself to the class.

"I'm Toby, I like to play minecraft and I like bees." He sat down almost as quickly as he stood up.

"Alright and now, you." She pointed to Ranboo.

He stood up and immediately felt sick. He hated when people looked at him. It was even worse when they made eye contact.

"I... I'm Ranboo..." He said quietly.

"Continue." Mrs. Jeyson urged him.

He felt like everyone was judging him.

"He's too tall"

"He's too quiet"

"What's with the mask?"

His mind was making up whispers that echoed through his head. He felt dizzy.

"My... my favorite colours are purple, red, and green. I'm friends with Toby..." He sat down and Toby smile at him, although his face told Ranboo that he could tell he wasn't feeling well.

"Very nice. Now let's get on to the next few things before your first class!" Mrs. Jeyson began talking about the rules and the classes. When the clubs and extra classes came up, there was a few options. Ranboo was interested in some of the extra classes.

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