57 - Intrude

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"R- Ranboo! What are you doing here?" Clay laughed nervously, reaching out to grab George's hand. The two of them felt cold, almost as if wind were blowing from right behind them.

"Clay. I thought we were going to study?" Ranboo's voice echoed throughout the nearly empty hall. There was no sign of XD still being there.

Not on the outside...

The cold temperature biting at Clay's hands and knees told him otherwise. Despite the sunglasses it wore, he could tell that it's eyes were staring through his soul.

"Ranboo, hi!" George greeted the thing standing unnaturally still. As the shorter boy's hand let go of Clay's, he felt a jolt in his heart. Was it XD doing that? Or was it natural fear from the idea of his best friend getting anywhere near the creature that he had summoned.

"Hi." XD said flatly, clearly not caring about what George was going to say or do. It was here for one thing and one thing only.


I left it. I shouldn't have left it. It's my responsibility.

Increasing anxiety forced Clay to get closer to it. He stood beside George, keeping his eyes on XD.

If anything happens to George...

"Clay? Are we still going to study tonight?" XD turned it's head in an almost mechanical way. It didn't appear to be trying to hide it's unnatural movements despite the fact that it was in public.

Clay turned away, desperately trying to think of an excuse.

"I... Uh..." Clay felt beads of sweat form on his face. Was it just him being warm because of the mask, or was he actually genuinely scared for once?

The three of them stood in an uncomfortable silence, Clay swaying back and forth being the only movement. George looked between the two, confused. XD stared right into Clay's soul.

So... Cold... Must... Get George out of here...

"Guys? Guys!" Nick ran around the corner, an excited grin on his face, "The Hamilton auditions are starting now! Hurry and sign up before all the spots are taken!"

George contemplated before running after Nick. Sighing with relief, Clay motioned to say he'd join them soon. Nick adjusted his bandana then flashed a thumbs up and ran the same way as George.

Good... He's-


Wide eyes stared into Clay's. The masked boy was startled by XD being so close to him. It was so close he could hear it breathing. The pace was rigid and unsteady. Exactly what he'd expect from something like XD.

It really is like a robot.

"Not. A robot." XD grabbed Clay by the shoulder, digging it's nails into him. Clay froze, pain began coursing through his top half. He reached out to remove XD's arm.

"Enough." The creature before him used it's other hand to force Clay to the floor. THUD. Clay hit the floor, the pain still getting worse despite XD's nails being out of his shoulder.

Clay took a moment to process what was even happening. Anger began to build, pushing away the fear.

He swiftly stood up push XD back. Barely any distance changed between them as XD stood it's ground.

"Enough? Really? I think I'VE had enough of YOU! In the few hours you've been using Ranboo's body you've caused nothing but trouble for me!" Clay began stepping towards XD, slowly, "If anyone needs to stop here, it's YOU! I brought you into this world and I WILL take you OUT OF IT!"

Heavy breathing. Tightened fists. Clay's eyes were crazed as rage continued to build within him.


"Enough." XD's voice echoed throughout the empty hallway, distortion returning to it as it reverted to the way it once was.

Clay stepped back, surprise shaking him.

"You may. Have summoned me. But you are. Not the. One in charge. Not you. Not Dream."

XD's cold gaze left Clay unable to move. Even after it had left, Clay remained in the same spot. What the hell was it talking about? Clay wasn't sure.

I made a mistake. You are not what I thought you were.


"Holy... What was that thing..?" Nick whispered to himself. Clearly it wasn't Ranboo, as he had assumed before. Unless that's what Ranboo was truly like.

"No... That didn't sound anything like Ranboo. Ranboo is an anxious, jittery guy. That was an angered monster." He said to himself as he adjusted his bandana.

Returning back to George, Nick continued to think about what he had seen. If that wasn't Ranboo, what was it?

Clay mentioned that thing USING Ranboo's body. Perhaps it's a demon and Ranboo is it's vessel?

He pushed away the thought. It wasn't logical. Perhaps he meant that in a metaphorical sense? Either way, something weird was going on, both with Ranboo and with Clay.

"Nick... I don't know if I should even join." George whispered.

"Do what you want, I've never even watched Hamilton."

The many offended and blank stares didn't fase Nick. He was still lost in though. Thinking about...


"HUH?!" Nick jumped back, his wide eyes staring at George in surprise and confusion.

His friend tilted his head, equally as confused.

"What? I was asking you if you remembered what you had said about theatre! You said it was your dream." George raised an eyebrow at Nick, smiling.

"R- right... I know that... Sorry..." Nick wrote his name on the board and began walking to the exit door. He didn't want to stay there.

Everything that Nick had witnessed replayed in his mind as if he was trying not to forget. Each detail was important to him. However, like every memory, things began to change. Events go out of order, you begin doubting your mind, nothing is clear. By the time Nick returned home, the only things he could remember were the names said.

Dream, XD, and Clay. I saw Clay and I'm pretty sure that whoever looked like Ranboo was XD, but who is Dream?

Nick didn't want to intrude.

Oh who am I kidding. I DEFINITELY want to intrude. I have to know what's happening. If anything, GEORGE needs to know what's happening. I should tell him. As soon as I know myself.

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