46 - Bedside Contemplation

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Toby laid in his bed as he reflected on his day so far. How had he messed up this badly? He was so close to being able to last through the whole class... But then...


"Did you just say the word "sigh"? The heck was that?" Nick raised an eyebrow in Toby's direction.

"Yeah, why?" Toby squinted at Nick, making a fake angry face.

Nick giggled and sighed for himself. They had been waiting for far too long while the nurses tried to figure out what was wrong. Both of them were about to give up and leave before Dr. Frost came back to tell them.

"Not too serious, kiddo. You've just got a cold. I'm sending you home, okay?"

Toby's heart stopped. This was supposed to be the day he told Tommy and Ranboo about Clay! How was he supposed to do that when he wasn't around them?

Think Toby, think! What can you do or say to NOT go home?!

Alas, they couldn't think of any excuse and admitted defeat.

"Okay... Thanks..."

Nick was instructed to take Toby to the office to sign out for the day (and probably most of the week). The two boys made their way to the office slowly as they spoke.

"So, you're a part of that super popular group, right? Do you have some kind of cool group name?" Toby asked.

"Uh... Sure? I mean- yeah, I'm part of Clay's friend group. We don't really have a name or title though..."

There was silence for a few more moments.

"People call us "The Dream Team" sometimes because of how well we all get along and fit together. I guess they're kinda right. We've all been friends for such a long time that I guess we're like a four piece puzzle! ...actually, that's a damn good way of wording it! We're like a four man band, a quartet of friends, a-"

Nick stopped in his tracks to listen for a moment. He started to look confused, then worried. Toby tilted his head in confusion before he heard it too.

"Is that... a door rattling?" Toby spun around, trying to figure out where the door making the sound was.

The pair checked the area, getting closer and closer to the source. Eventually, they stumbled upon it: a door to the basement.

"That's not creepy at all..." Nick muttered as he walked up to the door.

Nick turned the handle and pulled the door open as hard as he could. It appeared that the person on the other side was leaning against the door at that time, because he was now on the ground.

"Zak? What the hell are you doing in the basement?!" Nick exclaimed.

"Well," Darryl started, walking out after Zak which just made Nick and Toby even more curious and confused "me and Zak here were locked in the basement by the principal. I think he might be evil."

Toby and Nick glanced at each other. Both of them were thinking the same thing, but they didn't speak a word of their suspicion.

"Okay, if that's all, I'll continue to escort Toby to the exit. See ya!" Nick shouted as he dragged Toby away.

-At Toby's House-

"MOM~ I'm home!" Toby shouted as he dropped his backpack on the floor.

Their mother turned the corner at the speed of light to see her son, pale faced and clutching his stomach in pain.

"What the- Toby? Why- are you sick? Why didn't you tell me? Do you want food? Water? A shower? Shall I get you-"

"I- I'm fine, mom. I just feel a bit tired... I'm gonna go to my- agh... room." Toby winced as he started up the stairs.

Once he had arrived in his room, Toby flopped onto his bed and began to cry. How had he messed up this bad? He was minutes away from telling Tommy about Clay and now..?

I am a failure. Nothing but a useless-

BAM! The front door slammed shut and quick footsteps followed by a familiar "Toby!" snapped him out of his trance. Toby shot up from his bed (shortly regretting that action as he began to feel light headed) and jumped to the door. He didn't have time to open it before it was swung open to reveal two people.

"T- Tommy? Ranboo??? What the heck are you doing here?" Toby gasped as their friends stepped into his room.

Tommy and Ranboo shut the door. Toby had a feeling that something was different than normal.

This is weird... do they know about..?

"You were going to say something before you left, weren't you?" Tommy prompted his friend, tilting his head as if you try and figure it out before Toby could speak.

"Y- yes! It's about... uh... Cl-"

Suddenly, Toby's body froze. He couldn't move or speak. It felt like someone was holding his still, preventing him from saying anything about Clay.

Must... speak... must tell... them!

"Toby? Toby??? Toooobyyy... hello???" Tommy waved his hand in front of Toby's face.

"It's about... it's about... Cl... class." Toby finally spoke, although they weren't the right words.

Tommy and Ranboo looked relieved and nodded for him to keep going.

Noooo!!! What the hell is wrong with me? Why can't I-

"Class next week is having me stay for a few extra minutes to catch up on the work I'm going to miss because I'm sick. I just wanted to tell you incase you were worried." Toby smiled at his friends.

I'm not saying that... what's going on?

"Well then, we'll just sneak back to school then! Enjoy your break, Bee Boy!" Tommy laughed as he exited the room.

Ranboo went to follow him before stopping at the door.

"Toby... or should I say... no... you wouldn't get it."

He paused for a long while before finishing what he was trying to say.

"Toby. You need to snap out of it's control. I don't want you... to end up like me."

The door closed once more, leaving Toby alone. In his room. With the feeling that he wasn't really alone at all.

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