10 - The Kindest Chef

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Darryl opened the door and walked inside. The other students followed.

Once they were inside, Ranboo saw who had called for them to come in.

A woman who was much shorter than Ranboo stood by the sink washing her hands. She had dark hair with blonde streaks in the front. She was wearing glasses and a white shirt with a wheat coloured overcoat. She wore light blue jeans and black running shoes.

Ranboo thought she looked a bit young to be a teacher, but he didn't say anything about it.

She finished washing her hands and walked to the front of the room.

"Hello class! Please stand by a kitchen with a partner." Her voice was high pitched but adorable.

Tommy and Toby partnered up. Darryl and Nick partnered up.

Ranboo turned to Scott and he nodded. They went to the kitchen close to Tommy and Toby.

"I am Nikita, but because I'm a teacher, you can call me Miss. Nihachu." Their teacher told them.

She told them the basics of the class, "Listen carefully to instructions, ask for help if you're unsure, and please PLEASE do not burn down the school!".

"Before we continue does anyone here have any food allergies?" She asked.

A few students put up their hands. Ranboo wasn't aware of any allergies he had, and he didn't remember having and allergic reaction.

"Alright I'll keep that in mind. Now how about recipe ideas?"

They began listing ideas. Some of the recipes would definitely be much harder than others. Ranboo just zoned out, half listening.

"What if she calls on you?"

Ranboo closed his eyes.

"You'll get in trouble for not paying attention."

He sighed and concentrated on Miss. Nihachu's voice.

"Shouldn't have picked cooking now, huh?"

Will you just shut up?

His vision blured for a moment before going back to normal. He stood straight up.

"And that just about concludes the cooking class for today! We'll be meeting on Tuesdays at fifth period every week, next time we'll actually do things!" She laughed.

The students began leaving. Ranboo followed. He felt... strange.

He walked to Tommy and Toby.

"I'm going To the bathroom, I'll join you guys outside the art room." He told them.

"Alright just don't get lost!" Tommy called to him as he walked away.

-In the bathroom-

Ranboo splashed water on his face. He stared at his reflection in the mirror.

Memories fluttered in his head. Things he'd do when he felt bad.

This wasn't the same.

He tried the breathing exercises he had been taught. They didn't work.

He went to a last resort, something one of his close relatives had taught him.

He closed his eyes and inhaled. When he opened his eyes he stared at his reflection.

"I am Ranboo. I am seventeen years old. I am a student at Sunny Anderson High School. Three names of my friends are Toby, Tommy, and Scott. I know who I am. I know that I have anxiety. I know what to do when my anxiety kicks in."

The words filled his mind. They were the only thing he could think of. He closed his eyes, inhaled, and repeated the process. Telling himself over and over who he was.

Something at the back of his mind made him feel dizzy. He used the counter where the sinks were as support.

"I am Ranboo. I am seventeen years old. I am a student at Sunny Anderson High School. Three names of my friends are Toby, Tommy, and Scott. I know who I am. I know that I have anxiety. I know what to do when my anxiety kicks in."

He kept speaking the same words over and over. The dizziness faded by the twelfth time he did it. He continued until he had reached twenty. The last time he opened his eyes, he straightened his body.

He smiled. He always felt better after using that trick.

Ranboo walked out of the bathroom. He made his way to the art room and saw the group just beginning to enter.

Toby stood outside looking nervous. When he saw Ranboo, his nervousness went away. He looked much happier.

"Hey Toby! Uh... where's Tommy?" Ranboo asked.

"He also went to the bathroom." Toby replied as they entered the art room.

-Tommy's POV-

Tommy watched Ranboo walk away. He liked him. Ranboo was a good friend.

But... Toby had been acting differently ever since they'd met. He spaced out when Ranboo wasn't there, he seemed more interested in Ranboo than his own best friend.

Tommy didn't mind too much, but they had been friends for so long, he felt left out.

"Tommy, do you ever wonder how Ranboo is so tall?" Toby asked him.

Tommy shook his head. His mind was elsewhere, and he didn't care about Ranboo's hight.

"Maybe he used to be really short, then he took medication so he wouldn't be so short."

Tommy tried to concentrate on Toby, he really did.

Maybe they're just becoming closer than our other friends have. There's nothing wrong with that of course, but it's... strange. It could be something else though. Maybe just something I heard messing with my thoughts.

Toby went on rambling about Ranboo and how he's so tall and so cool...

Did he just call him cool? Yeah he is cool but can't Toby just talk about me for once today?

"You know, I bet his singing voice is really nice-"

"I'm going to the bathroom." Tommy interrupted.

Toby looked surprised but nodded. Tommy ran off.

Once Tommy was outside of the bathroom, he slowed down. He walked inside.

This isn't the same bathroom that Ranboo went to.

He entered one one if the stalls and shut the door. He sat down on the toilet lid.

This is dumb, why did I leave.

"I'm guessing it's because you're jealous."

Tommy jumped. The voice had come from infront of him. He opened the door and peered out.

"Sorry if I scared you, I was just guessing."

Standing outside was Clay, the mask making it hard to tell what expression he had.

"C... Clay? Wait how did you know..."

"You were talking out loud. I can still hear things with the mask on." Clay answered.

Tommy stepped outside. Clay gestured towards the sink. Tommy walked to the sinks and sighed.

"I'm not jealous, I just feel like my best friend doesn't wanna hang out with me anymore." Tommy told Clay. He looked at his reflection in the mirror. Clay was standing behind him.

"So you feel like you're best friend is being stolen from you."

Tommy turned around. Clay wasn't telling the truth, he couldn't be, but at the same time...

"Maybe... maybe just a bit... but that's not your call it's mine." Tommy was getting annoyed.

Clay held up his hands and backed away. Tommy pushed past him and went out the door. Before he could leave he heard Clay say one last thing.

"Don't leave him. You might regret it."

Not Even Real | Dream SMP School AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora