35 - All-Weekend Sleepover

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Ranboo put the finishing touches on his house. Him and his friends decided that they would split into two groups to live with each other. Tommy and Charlie, Ranboo and Toby. Tommy and Toby were working on a secret tunnel to each other's rooms. Ranboo and Charlie had decided that they'd make the outside of their houses look as nice as possible. Lakes, ponds, flowers, greenery. Anything to liven up the place.

"Yooooooo! I just remembered the new Minecraft update is coming out soon! I want a pet axolotl!!!" Toby exclaimed.

"Ah yeah! Then we can complain about the way ores look!" Tommy laughed.

Charlie chuckled as the two complained about the way coal was going to look. Ranboo had finally finished decorating the outside of his and Toby's house.

"Alrighty guys, I'm heading to bed. Goodnight!" Charlie announced.

"Night night Charlie!" Toby waved at his screen.

"Byeeeeeee~" Ranboo monotoned, yet still managed to sound upbeat.

"GOODNIGHT CHARLIE SLIMECICLE!!!" Tommy made his mic sound like every entity in his room yelled at the same time.

Or to sum it up, he made it sound distorted as heck.

Charlie left the voice chat and the other three kept playing. It only took a few minutes for Toby to come up with a great idea.

"Yo! What if we had a sleepover for the whole weekend?" Toby spoke erratically.

His other two friends thought for a moment.

"Yeah, that sounds like fun! Where would we have it though?" Tommy questioned.

Ranboo thought for a while before making up his mind. He had an idea.

"We don't have school tomorrow, right? Well... you could come to my house for the weekend. I- if you wanted to, that is." Ranboo looked over to his door, knowing he wouldn't get a good answer-

"REALLY! OH MY GOSH YES!!!" Toby screamed through his mic.

"Yeah, sure! Are your parents okay with-" Tommy was cut off by Toby calling to his dad, asking to go to Ranboo's house.

Toby and Tommy wrote down Ranboo's adress before leaving the call. Ranboo shut down his computer and began setting up. It was almost seven at night, so he had plenty of time before his friends arrived.

Eight. They'll be coming at eight.

-Tommy's house-

"Yeah, he's my friend. No! What? Of course he's not luring me to his house so he can murder me! He'd be too much of a coward to do that..." Tommy spoke to his mother and father.

"Just be careful. Are you all packed?" Tommy's mom asked him before he left.

"Yes, mum." He rolled his eyes before smiling at them and walking out the door.

Toby's house was right beside his, so there was no time wasted running to the door to beckon his best friend so they could visit Ranboo. Loud footsteps came from the other side. A few seconds later, the door unlocked to reveal a small boy holding more bags and suitcases that made up his entire body weight.

"Why do you have that much stuff?!" Tommy exclaimed.

"We're staying for like a week! I need everything that I packed!" Toby sounded both excited and crazed.

The two of them walked to Ranboo's address together. Nothing could stop them from completing their quest! Not a single-

"Hey there you two."

Not Even Real | Dream SMP School AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang