37 - Breakfast, Shopping, and Ice Cream

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Toby awoke to the sound of loud conversation. He rubbed his eyes and sat up.

Tommy... why are you so louuuuuuud?

He looked over to see Tommy and Ranboo making piles and piles of toast. Different spread such as butter, jam, peanut butter, and nuttela sat on the counter. Toby smiled to himself.

I think they're finally getting along! That's nice.

-Meanwhile with the other boys...-

"Jam and jelly are two different things!" Tommy slammed his fists onto the table.

"Really? I thought they were the same thing." Ranboo replied calmly.

"YEAH BUT THEY'RE NOT!!!" Tommy yelled very britishly.

"Oh." Ranboo said as he grabbed the next few pieces of toast from his toaster.

The two boys continued debating jam and jelly. One of them being calm and collected, not knowing that this was even an argument. The other being extremely loud and definitely knowing this was an argument.

Why is he being so loud? This is a civil discussion! Plus, Toby is still sleeping. Atleast... I think he is. Maybe I should check.

"I think Toby's still asleep. Maybe we should check before you keep yelling." Ranboo looked behind himself at the sleeping bee boy.

Bee boy is such an adorable name.

Tommy rolled his eyes. The two of them walked over to where Toby was sleeping.

"Tubs? You awake?" Tommy leaned over the couch to see his best friend.

Toby was snuggling Ranboo's blanket. He looked happy. Neither of them could tell if he was asleep or not though.

Awww! That's so cute! Why is he snuggling my blanket though?

Tommy tilted his head, switching from looking at Toby, to looking at Ranboo.

He's snuggling this idiots blanket? Why couldn't it have been his own blanket? Gosh he's so clingy.

They turned away from their friend and walked back to the toaster.

"I think he's asleep." Ranboo said, getting the next few pieces of toast from the toaster.

-A few hours later-

Toby, Tommy, and Ranboo sat of the couch in silence. They were all bored out of their minds with nothing to do or say. They had spoken of their interests and hobbies, they talked about their lives and old friends, they had gotten bored of playing video games, and they all wanted to do different things.

"Why don't we just go see what the school looks like when there's no one there?" Toby suggested.

"We could sneak inside too!" Tommy jumped off of the couch.

"We shouldn't do that. We'll get in trouble." Ranboo countered.

Their conversations went on like that for too long. Finally, Tommy suggested something that was less... illegal.

"What about we go get ice cream?" Tommy mumbled quietly.

"Finally! An idea that doesn't have illegal and extreme consequences! What do you say, Toby?" Ranboo turned to the out-of-focus bee boy.

"Huh? Oh, sure." He went back to staring at Ranboo's wall.

"Okay then, it's settled. We'll go get ice cream." Ranboo said as he stood up.

The three of them got ready to leave. It didn't take long, as they were already dressed. They put on their shoes and went out the door.

-At the ice cream shop-

The trio walked up to the Baskin Robbins by the mall. They were all excited to finally be doing something. Ranboo held the door open for the other two, then went inside himself.

"Oh shoot someone's here- uh... hello, what can I get for you today?" An employee behind the counter asked them.

Hmm... what kind of ice cream should I get?

"Vanilla ice cream please!" Toby told them.

"I'll have strawberry." Tommy said, watching Toby to make sure they didn't do anything too out-of-pocket.

"And... I guess I'll have cookies and cream." Ranboo finished their order.

"Okay. I'll get that for you." The employee told them.

The employee walked to the back to check one the ice cream. Meanwhile, Tommy began telling Toby about how vanilla is such a plain flavour.

"Yeah but it's still good! Plus, vanilla goes with anything. Strawberry on the other hand is barely good with chocolate nevermind anything else!" Toby exclaimed.

The employee returned. They looked slightly worried.

"We- uh... don't have anymore ice cream... apparently we ran out of milk. S- sorry guys..." The employee explained.

Just after they finished speaking, another employee walked out from the back carrying something in their hands. The employee looked tired and dead inside.

"Uh... hey, Quin. What are you-"

The employee who's name was apparently Quin held up the object and stabbed it into the employee. Shock flashed across Ranboo's face, although no one could tell because of his mask and glasses. Tommy and Toby stared silently at the employee.

"To hell with this job, I'm done." They said, walking to the back again.

The employee turned before they got to far to say one last thing before leaving.

"You were nice to me, Dahlia. I appreciate that, but tell the boss that I quit." Quin finished.

"I... see... I'll... do that... if I make it..." Said the other employee, who's name was apparently Dahlia.

Ranboo noticed the phone on the back counter and offered to call an ambulance. The three waited with Dahlia until it arrived.

"Thanks... guys... sorry about... all this..." Dahlia apologized.

"It's fine, just don't die please." Toby said, straight faced.

Fae laughed a little and waved goodbye to them. They waved back.

"So... what do we do now?" Tommy asked.

"Hmm... what about we go to the mall?" Toby suggested.

"That's... a surprisingly not dangerous, not extreme, and not arson idea! What do you think, Tommy?" Ranboo turned to face Tommy, who was thinking about his answer.

The three of them began walking out of the ice cream shop. Tommy kept on thinking, his eyes were slits, barely visible.

"You know what? That DOES sound like a good idea! Let's do that! Oh, maybe we can get a new game at the hit store, GAME." Tommy replied, glancing at Toby.

"Yea- wait, there's no GAMEs in America... What kind of game shops do you have, Ranboo?" Toby asked looking over to his right.

Or his left, to be honest, Toby doesn't know which one.

"Uhhhhh... I don't know. I think there's a new one that opened up called EBgames." He told the two British boys.

"Then let's go there!" Toby exclaimed.

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