eleven >>> in the moment

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The stars above intrigue my eyes

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The stars above intrigue my eyes. The night sky was beautiful. I even remember watching it when I was up there on the Ark. It's very different down here on the ground. Everything's really different on the ground that I'm actually very grateful for. I tilt my head to the side bringing my knees up to my chest letting my eyes roam around as I sit at the very top of the tower in Polis. I decided I wanted to relax a bit and get fresh air instead of going to Lexa's chambers. Besides she was meeting with King Roan. I thought I might as well take a few moments to gather my thoughts and admire something I haven't been able to for a bit.

"Y/N?" I tear my eyes away from the sky and glance over my shoulder finding Lexa at the door. She cocks her head to the side and a light smile spreads to her lips. I give her a smile back turning back around and looking back up into the night sky. And I can hear the girl's footsteps walking towards me. It's not long before I see her out of the corner of my eye take a seat beside me. Her own eyes looking up into the sky. "Indra told me she saw you come this way."

"Yeah, I made sure someone saw me so you could find me," I respond, keeping my eyes up. "How's Roan?"

"Alive-" Lexa pauses then continues. "He went back over to his territory taking what's left of Ice Nation with him. We're safe."

"Safe? Funny word," I respond in a whisper. That's when I feel Lexa's eyes on me. Slowly I tear my eyes from the sky and look to her, locking our eyes. A bigger smile spreads to my lips looking to her. A soft expression takes over her face and she looks down a moment as a smile takes over her own lips. A chuckle escapes my lips as I look away and back to the sky. "It's so funny how we're here right now."

"How so?" She questions and I shake my head from side to side wrapping my arms around my knees.

"I mean the first time we met I was your prisoner. I tried escaping so many times and eventually the more I was here, the more time I spent with you I realized that my heart was tied to you," I say, stopping a moment and looking to the commander. Her eyes were already on with a puzzling look but I chuckle again looking away and glancing to the ground. "And then we went through some challenges. Hell I died and you, being the fearless commander you are came and brought me back. You saved all of us."

"Then you saved us," Lexa whispers. I nod and pick up my head glancing to the girl. Our eyes lock again and I drop one arm reaching towards her. I drop my gaze from her eyes and look to her hands. I take a hold of one and squeeze it.

"You made me see a lot of things Lexa. You made me feel love. The kind of love I had for my parents but our love is something different. Something much stronger and I don't want it to leave. Ever."

"Then don't let it."

"I don't plan to-" I pause a moment and drop my knees from my chest turning my whole body to face her. I take her other hand in my own and look to her eyes, smiling. "I don't want to spend my nights in my own room. I want to go to sleep when you do. I want to wake up in the morning and meet your beautiful eyes or your sleepy face. I want every single second spent with you because life is short. I seen that when I got shot. I seen that when Octavia told me Lincoln was killed. I saw that when I saw my parents floated. I saw it when I first landed on the ground. And I saw it today. From protecting Aden and almost getting my head chopped off. But none of it changed anything for me because I fought for you."

"Y/N-" I let go of one of Lexa's hand and gently place my index finger to her lips. Her eyes glance down and then back up as I pull away my hand.

"Life is not about surviving. It never has been...It's about living and I'm not living if I'm not with you Lexa."

"Ai hod yu in (I love you)," Lexa whispers causing the biggest smile to spread to my lips. I drop my head a moment and nod my head picking it up almost immediately after. I drop my hold on Lexa's hands and cup her face in my hands, pulling her forwards letting our foreheads rest against one another.

"Ai hod yu in Leksa kom trikru (I love you too, Lexa from tree clan)," I whisper back before feeling her lips connect with mine. They're soft, but the kiss is passionate as I close my eyes and ease into it. It felt right. This moment felt right. But everything, every little thing with Lexa felt right to me. Even if day after day we fight for our lives, we fight for one another as well and I couldn't ask for anything more. And that's when an idea pops into my head. Slowly, carefully I pull away and rest my head against Lexa's. My eyes flutter open seeing her's doing the same.

"Marry me," I whisper. Lexa's eyes widen but she doesn't move like I thought she would.


"I mean it...marry me," I whisper again cutting the girl off. She slowly pulls her head back causing me to let a small smile linger on my lips tilting my head and watching her.

"What are we to do in six months? You heard what A.L.I.E said..." Her words linger and trail off but I shake my head at the girl, reaching out my hands grabbing a hold of her's once more giving them a gentle squeeze.

"We worry about that when that time comes-" I pause a second, biting my bottom lip and switching my eyes back and forth between her eyes. "But for now, we live. We live with the time we have now. We live in the moment." Lexa tears her eyes from mine and glances down to our locked hands. I remain silent, being patient with the commander as I see her tilt her head to the side. But within moments I spot a smile rising to her lips and for the first time since I was brought back I see the biggest smile climb to Lexa's lips. Her head flings up and she tilts her head at me, nodding her head.

"Yes," she whispers causing my eyes to grow wide and my jaw to drop but a smile still upon it. Immediately I stand keeping a hold of Lexa's hands in mine, bringing her up with me. I pull her into me and close my eyes locking our lips. Her body eases into mine and I make sure I have a hold of her as we ignite the kiss. And after a couple seconds we pull away and rest our foreheads together once again just gazing into one another's eyes with smiles planted on our lips.

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