twenty-seven >>> ritual battle : part I

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Several knocks appear at the door

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Several knocks appear at the door. I was sitting on a chair on the bottom level in the dark with few dim lights around the room. The torches were never really bright here. I sort of understand all the candles Lexa use to use now.

"Y/N-" I pick up my head and lock eyes with Octavia's. She wore grounder clothing. She looked good. I stood up quickly however and watched as her eyes flicked back and forth between mine. "Clarke told me you're fighting for Skaikru."

I nod my head up and down. "Yeah. I figured I owed it to y'all. You guys are my people as well," I gently say as Octavia nods slowly.

"I can do it. I'll fight for Skaikru," Octavia steps forward and I shake my head.

"Octavia I got it-" I pause and look down. "I can do this. I know what the odds are and maybe I won't make it out of there but I have to fight for us. All of us."

"Lexa's okay with this?"

"Doesn't matter if she is or isn't," I answer picking up my head. "I told her my reasonings behind of what I have to do. You should understand that, Octavia." A silence takes over as I cross my arms over my chest watching her easily.

"I do understand Y/N. Out of all of us hundred you've really grown and proved yourself on more than one occasion." I nod at Octavia's words but then shrug.

"Apparently I haven't proved myself enough-" I pause a moment dropping my arms. "With this, I'm going to make sure everyone can survive." Before the young Blake sibling can respond I see Clarke walk into the room. My eyes flick away from Octavia and focus on Clarke as she walks in.

"Lexa told me you were doing this for us," Clarke said and I nodded at her. She simply nods back looking to Octavia briefly then back at me. "It's time then."

Gently I nod and look back to Octavia. As I do she steps forward wrapping her arms around me. "Don't die out there," she whispers into my ear. I nod my head before we pull apart. She gives me a gentle smile as I walk past her and head for the door. Clarke places out her hand grabbing my wrist, stopping me.

"Hey-" she pauses and our eyes lock. "You've got this." I stare into the Griffin's eyes slowly nodding. I place my head up high and past the girl exiting the room. Fear crawls inside of me but inside my head all I can repeat is "I can do this. I have to do this."


"Y/N Kom Skaikru step forward!" Gaia calls. I make my way through the crowd. It's loud and I can see several grounders eyeing me, questioning me. And I knew why. They knew Lexa declared me as Trikru, so why was I fighting for Skaikru? A dismiss the thought and get to Gaia. She gives me a gentle yet weak smile rising up a necklace. "Accept the sigil of your clan and fight with honor as their champion." She places it around my neck and hooks it in the back. I drop my eyes for a moment as she does and when she finishes she steps aside as I go and stand beside Roan. He eyes me curiously but I say nothing, standing beside him.

𝒮𝒶𝓎 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝒲𝑜𝓃'𝓉 𝐿𝑒𝓉 𝒢𝑜 {𝒶 𝐿𝑒𝓍𝒶 𝓍 𝒴𝑜𝓊}Where stories live. Discover now