#1 Time to Unite

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Heavy breaths were louder than the rain which was pounding on to every surface. A middle-aged man was panting as he ran through the many streets of the nightmare city, Gotham. He almost slips as he turns into a series of alleys to get away from his pursuer which was stalking him from the shadows.

His feet were slowly tripping every now and then, as he was gradually running out of breath. The alleys were keeping him safe from anything due to the cover of buildings above. At least that's what he thought.

A woosh sound came from behind which made the man turn instantly. Nothing. He continued to run further into the alleys to find a way to escape this monster. Saying he was scared was a heavy understatement. He was beyond terrified.

'Shit!' was shouted in his head as he ran into a dead end. His hands pound against the concrete wall in front of him and realised he had to go back through where he came from.

Before he can even fully turn his head a first goes flying into his nose, breaking it. His hand immediately cover it as blood runs out of it like a river channel. His vision became blurry but could still identify what it was in front of him. A bat.

??:"Jesse Carry. You're going to GCPD." Exclaimed the bat. His gloved hands reached behind him and pull out handcuffs.

Jesse:"You can't do this to me you freak!" Screamed the man who was now equally full of anger as well as fear.

Freak?:"And where do you stand in telling me what I can and can't do huh?! What about the three people you murdered this week. Did they get a say in what you can and can't do?" The bat got closer to Jesse who was scrunched back against the wall. Sweat pouring from his brow as he tried to not look into his eyes.

Jesse:"I didn't mean to I swear! They just didn't comply with. If they did what I said then it would've been easier." He was now flat up against the wall like a pancake.

With one swift movement, Jesse was knocked out and tied up in some wire. The bat flung him over his shoulder and grappled away into the night.


James Gordon had just finished his cigarette and was about to walk back down the stairs until he heard a loud thud behind him. He turned around with a hand on his holster but saw who the noise came from.

Jim:"That's the third one tonight. I'm starting to wonder if you are a vampire or just nocturnal." Said Jim as he walks on over to the bat.

The bat:"If I sleep more then people like this will get away easier. No offense to your force though commissioner."

Jim:"None taken. It's a lot of help what you guys are doing, clearing the streets from the skies."

As the bat was about to leave into the shadows, Jim stepped forward towards him.

Jim:"Seriously, thanks Artibeus."

Artibeus vanished into the night, leaving the commissioner alone on the rooftop with a knocked out Jesse.


As you stood upon the gargoyle, you hear a beeping noise coming from your right ear. You press the button on your earpiece which accepted the call.

Batman:"Artbeus, you're needed at the Watchtower immediately."

Artibeus:"If it's as important as it sounds, may I ask why?"

Batman:"I'll debrief you when you get here. Batman out."

'As mono as always' you spoke to yourself as you looked off into the city below and dived off the building.


"Look out!" Shouted an amazon as they jumped across the battlefield and blocked a flying car that was about to hit some civilians.

WW(Wonder Woman):"Your time of villainy is over Silver Swan." She then rushes over to the villain and delivers a powerful blow on her stomach. While she was still taking the impact from the previous punch, Silver Swan was then uppercutted which sent her flying far back.

Before she could get back to her feet, Wonder Girl rushed in with the car she caught and slammed it into Silver Swan, knocking her out.

Wonder Girl:"That'll teach you to not mess with amazons and their people."

Wonder Woman walked behind her and patted her on the back to tell her a job well done.

WW:"Amazing finish Donna. Come on, we're heading to the Watchtower."

Donna:"Really? Why am I going too? I thought the Watchtower is used by the Justice League only." Asked Donna with a confused expression on her face.

WW:"I'll explain when we get there." Explained Diana as she walked off ahead.


A blue and red streak went zipping past the cyan sky over everyone heads in Metropolis. Cheers could be heard and a happy 'Whoo!' came from the figure.

"Is it a bird?" A civilian asked
"Is it a plane?" Asked another
"No, it's Supergirl!" Exclaimed another one.

Supergirl whizzed across every building and swooped down to high five a couple of civilians.
That was until she crashed into a figure floating in front of her with their arms crossed.

Superman:"You're suppose to be on patrol and not acting as entertainment."

Supergirl:"Come on Clark. Stop being like Batman and lighten up a bit. I'm killing two birds with one stone."

Superman:"First, I'm not being Batman, I'm just being more strict. And second, I highly doubt that showing off is as good as patrolling for evil." The man of steel started to fly off with his cousin following him.

Supergirl:"Where are we going? Is there an alien invasion in space?!"

Superman:"No, we're going to the Watchtower to meet with Diana and Bruce."

Supergirl:"Oh cool! Is this the protocol that I overheard you and the others talking about?" She gazed at him with excitement in her eyes.

Superman:"You need to stop using your super hearing for Justice League business." Chuckled Clark,"And yes it is."

They approached the space station with great speed and landed inside.

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