#18 Next Generation pt.2

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Rain was splashing against the surface of the exposed rooftops as three figures sprinted over them. One was laughing while panting and was being chased by the two other figures. The footsteps of the boots colliding with the rooftop echoed into the night sky as the person leaped over a gap. The two figures followed closed behind as they began to gradually get closer.

"Traverse more to the left and get a higher advantage. Call out when to strike." One person ordered to the other as they nodded and split apart to get a higher level. The person was getting closer and threw a projectile to the villain to slow them down so they could catch up.

The villain turned swiftly and began to swing their knifes at them furiously. The person blocked a couple of swings and delivered a couple of their own hits to knock them out. They swiped any slashes away as they kicked the villain back a few steps.

Their armoured suit was coming in clutch from any of the slashes and attacks that were thrown at them. Their cape flew behind them as they spun into a back kick to knock the villain onto the floor.

The hooded person climbed up a pipe onto a water tower and gazed down at the other two fighting. The villain kicked them away and started to run before the hooded person aimed their weapon and shot. An arrow pierced through the air and through the back of their knee as they fell and screamed in pain.

The person looked up and nodded before turning back to the person in pain. They walked slowly and menacingly while punching their fist into their hand.
"Victor Zsasz, you have failed this city!" They then knocked him out with one swift punch and began to tie them up for the GCPD to arrest them. The figure heaved Zsasz to the ledge before dropping him and returning back to the hooded figure that placed an arrow back in their quiver.

"Good job Drawback." The figure spoke while patting Drawback on their arm. Drawback smiled before doing the same back.
"You too, Artibeus. Guess teamwork is important after all." She spoke softly while Artibeus began to walk across the rooftop.
"Come on, let's get back home." Artibeus ordered before leaping off the roof. The other followed close behind with a smirk on her face.


The two finally arrived back home and snuck back in through the back of the big suburban home. Drawback removed her hood after silently closing the door while Artibeus removed their cowl. Her long, dark hair flown out as a braid that went over her shoulder.

"Where have you two been?" A deep voice echoed from the living room as a lamp switch on. The girls hesitated in their movement and froze on the spot in defeat as sighs escaped their lips.
"We just went out for some fresh air." Drawback hesitantly answered while the person stood up from the seat.
"Oh really Elise? Thea, tell me the truth." The girl now known as Thea looked up at you then back at her younger sister before answering.

"We went out to chase Zsasz. But we caught him!" She perked up at the end to sound confident.
"That's not the point. You both went out without permission and in your suits. Get to bed, your mother and I will talk this through tomorrow." The girls nodded before saying goodnight and walking up the steps. They smiled a bit once they got upstairs due to the fact they've been punished worse before.

You took a sigh before pinching the bridge of your nose and turning off the lights downstairs. As you approached the steps, you picked up the picture of your wedding night with your beautiful wife. What a day. You placed the picture back down and walked up the stairs to your room for sleep.

The next morning, the girls sat down at the table to have breakfast as you came down the stairs to talk to them.
"Alright, so your mother and I have talked and it's time for your punishment. Thea, I gave you the mantle for a reason and not for it to be used to do what you want with it. Elise, that bow is special and you shouldn't be using it because you can. For your punishment, no going out for the rest of the week and training in ten minutes." You walked out the room as they both looked at each other with annoyed looks. They sighed before washing their bowls and placing them away to then go and get changed.

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