#22 Prison Life

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'Anger doesn't solve anything. It builds nothing, but can destroy everything.'

Nothing again. Donna slammed her lasso onto her table in frustration as another dead end met her investigation. It's been a while since she had talked to anyone from the team and hasn't built up the courage to see y/n face to face yet. Instead, she would figure out who did this to him in order to get revenge.

Crime rate has rocketed up in the city as the police have been overwhelmed with the new crooks and criminals. All seeing the arrest of Artibeus as an opportunity to do evil without a threat to stop them. It helped that the team fell apart shortly after and haven't seen much hero work since.

What Kara told her the last time they met struck a nerve which is why she has been going down any her own path of detective work. So far nothing. Every person she interrogated has known nothing and has no clue what she was on about.

Donna picked up the picture frame next to the sofa and gazed onto it for the hundredth time this week. Her determination and ambition to crack the case all because of the thought that she failed the one she loved.

Maybe she wasn't in the right mind set for this. Thoughts of her arguements with Kara has dawned over her like a storm cloud, keeping her in a depressed state. She pulled out her phone and hovered her thumb over Kara's number before closing it and throwing it onto the sofa.

The bottle cap flung across the room and into the bin as Donna took a swig of her drink and wondered what she should do next.


The blare and ring coming from above the gate alerted Kara as she stepped through the guarded hallway in her super suit. The golden S chesplate shone forward while she strutted into the visiting area with lines of phones and glass panels facing her.

On the other side of the barrier sat a male in the dark jumpsuit with a scruffy beard and tons of scars painted across his face. Supergirl sat down in shock seeing her friend in this state, all roughed up and beaten. Worse than any enemy they've gone against.

"Hey Supergirl." Was all he said in a harsh voice with a small smile to greet her.
"Y/n, I'm sorry none of us visited recently. What's happened to you?" She asked with remorse and a sorrowful look while gazing into the eyes she can get lost in.
"Just trapped with people who want me dead. How's everyone?" You asked trying to change the subject.

The last past months have been like crawling through hell. Inmates have found any opportunity they could to beat and torture you until you couldn't stand. Too many to face against alone and defenceless.

The warden placed you in special protection but even then criminals on the outside and even fellow prisoners bribed the guards into some sort of beating to you. No matter where you were, you weren't safe.

"That's why I wanted to talk. Everything's gone to shit without you. Donna and I actually fought each other which caused the team to fall out and step down. The city needs you. We need you." She leant forward and placed her hand against the glass which caused his to do the same.

"I'm sorry Kara. If things get worse then I'm sure you can bring it up to the court but until then, I only ask that you keep everyone together. Not as a team, but as friends." You responded as you took your hand away and looked into her bright blue eyes.

"Ok. I just hope you don't get in too much trouble in here." You both laughed as you looked down then back up to see her big smile that always lifted your mood.
"By the way, how's Diana doing since the last time she visited?" You asked since she hasn't visited recently but you have written a few letters back and forth, mainly about your situation.

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