#14 Tower Trouble

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Complicated. That's how it felt for you right now. You jabbed the wooden dummy again as you kept your attacking speed and blocking high. Your arms almost moved as fast as Kara's as you trained harder and harder. No matter how hard you trained, you couldn't clear your thoughts. Your mind felt like a foggy storm cloud that left no space calm.

You finished up once you heard the doors slide open to reveal Donna standing there. Things have been a bit awkward since you kissed the other night. You don't know whether you did it because you liked her or because you had just broken up with Dawn and needed someone. Either way it was great. Although being with Donna would be amazing, you didn't know if you were ready for another relationship because the last one ended due to the team being first priority.

You and Dawn have been fine like nothing changed. It was more of a step back than a break up. You both still had fun together and acted like the parents of the group, even after Kaldur joined the team. Everything was good between the two of you.

"Been looking for you. Why are you training? We did training earlier." She stated with a hint of annoyance at you but in a passive way.
"Training and self discipline are very important in life, not just in battle." You responded while walking over to her with your towel over your shoulder.
"Well you better shower too, we're going to do something in the main room. Come on." She walked out as you headed to the bathroom to get freshened up for the rest of the day.


You walked out of your room after getting changed and you were highly suspicious. The tower was quiet, too quiet. You walk through the darkened halls slowly as you peaked around the corners. Did the team go out already? Or were they just waiting in the garage or armoury for you?

You stood in the elevator and thought of what was going on as you walked out and through the hall into the main room. Everything was dark. It was around four in the afternoon so it wasn't dark outside yet but the room was still dark. Then suddenly people jumped out at you and a hand grabbed your shoulder. You immediately grabbed the hand and flipped them over your shoulder, onto the floor with a thud.

"Happy Birthday!" The lights turned on to see everyone but Wally was behind something and with a bit of a surprised expression as much as you. You quickly glanced down to see that you had flipped Wally over and held out your hand to help him up.

"Sorry Wally, you guys took me by surprise." You helped him up as he held a hand on his back.
"Yeah that's the point. Man you sure you don't have powers, that hurt like hell." He grunted and smiled as he walked over to the freezer and grabbed the bag of frozen peas as an ice pack.
"Happy birthday y/n!" Kara lifted you as she squeezed you in a hug.
"Thanks Kara. How did you guys know it was my birthday. I never celebrated it before or told anyone." She finally put you down as you looked around the room and saw the many balloons, candles and the banner overhead.

"Dawn and I had to go and talk to Bruce. It was harder than expected." Donna explained as you both hugged a bit.
"Thanks guys but again I don't really celebrate my birthday." You smiled at the effort they put in for you.
"Nonsense, you are our friend y/n." Kaldur patted your back with a laugh.
"Yeah and I guess you do now." Dawn hugged you a bit too. You walked over to the table and grabbed a drink while looking at the custom banner. 'Happy 23rd Birthday Y/n!' with lots of bright colours scattered across it.

You took a sip from your drink as the lights dimmed down until it was quite dark. Donna came walking out of the kitchen with a cake that had candles on it that were sparking. They all gathered around you as you stood there in utter shock that they did all this for you. Singing erupted from all of them as they began cheering your name in the song.

As they were singing, you looked over at Donna who had a big smile on her face while she sang. You couldn't help but smile even more at her. Was it possible that you did like her? You didn't know. Things were complicated as hell right now. You just wanted to clear your head and enjoy the moment.

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