#8 Lights Out

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It was a late evening and everyone was in the main room having a conversation with each other and laughing. Everyone but you that was. You were currently sitting in front of the computer, running any recent activities from the Black Mask.

You've encountered him once before when you were Robin and worked with Batman. He was running a drug business in Gotham that you and Bruce tracked down to put an end to. Bruce took him to GCPD for lock up and you haven't heard of him since. Now he was linked to Bane and Deathstroke, planning something that would cause chaos.

You were running a scan on the blueprint and matching it with any buildings that were a fit. It was taking some time since the blueprint was only of the foundation and support pillars.
"What are you planning Sionis? Clearly you're using these two as muscle but why is what I want to know." You muttered to yourself as you thought harder.

You were doing your own research on recent Venom transports and business while the computer was sorting out the blueprint. You were typing away and were about to click on something before...nothing. The computer completely switched off and the lights went out. You tried to reboot the computer over and over again but it wasn't working. You stood up from your chair and started to move over to the main room without applying too much pressure on your leg.

On your way you bumped into Donna in the hallway looking for you.
"You're ok, the power went out in the main room." She stated while standing by your side.
"Yeah it's down in the computer room too. Must be a power cut or something. Help me check it out." She grabbed your arm softly as you were starting to be able to walk on your own without much support. You both went to the elevator but of course it wasn't working.
"Yep, power's out in the entire building."

You both walked into the main room to meet with the others who were standing there trying the lights. Kara was flipping the switch and flew up to the lightbulbs for a further check. Dawn was looking through the cupboards for candles and portable lights. She got out a couple of torches for everyone and placed some candles in a tray with a lighter.

"It's no use Kara, power's out for the whole building." You exclaimed to her as she flew to the window.
"Not just this one." She stated which made you all look outside and realise most of the city was out.
"This is strange. A power cut shouldn't effect the whole city like this." Donna spoke while you all looked into the darkness.
"I'm going to have to manually reroute the backup generator to the computer so we can figure out what's happening. Otherwise we're sitting in the dark, literally." You began to move to the stairs and grabbed a torch on your way.
"Wait let me come with you. You're going to need help down the stairs since the elevator isn't working."
"Come on then, I could use with extra hands." You stood by the hallway waiting for her.

She strutted on over to you and helped you over to the stairs which were located at the back corner of each floor. Donna grabbed the tray of candles and started to place them over the place to give a sense of light and direction.

Kara when over to the kitchen to check if it was just the power like lights or everything like the taps and fridge. While checking everything, she yelled over at Donna who was lighting the candles.
"Those two have gotten real close lately don't you think."
"Huh, oh yeah I guess they've warmed up to each other." She said in a quieter tone.
"Yeah they've been by each other's sides since she first joined. Guess they just click." Kara responded, but Donna didn't want to hear any more. Dawn was her friend and they've become almost like sisters the three of them. Dawn was the older and responsible one of the girls which is probably why you and her fit well with each other.

"So is anything working?" Donna asked to change the subject and finished lighting the last of the candles.
"Nah it appears everything has been effected by the power cut." Kara stated with her head in the fridge that was dark.
"Alright, I'm going to go check on the other two to see if it's working." Donna tolled before walking back towards the hallway.

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