#6 Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend

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Punch after punch was thrown at deathstroke by Wonder Girl. He had parried and blocked most hits from the heroes and landed some sword slashes on each of them.

Artibeus was in a corner on his back due to Deathstroke beating him up like mad and slashed at his stomach a couple of times. He sat back up and shot his grapple at Deathstroke's arm which left him open for Donna to get a good punch on his head, knocking him back. She looked back at Artibeus and nodded a thank you while returning back to the killer. Deathstroke immediately went back to attacking Donna with his sword attacks and kicks. He got her on the floor due to all the cuts on her legs and arms. He was about to swing down to finish her until someone grabbed the sword and smashed it in their hand.

Kara kicked Deathstroke back with her strength and prepared to fight. Meanwhile y/n ran over to Donna to see if she was alright, she had cuts and scrapes all over her body so he pulled her back away from the fight.

"Stay down, you're hurt." He said to her as she tried to get up.
"I can still fight." She replied but was pushed back down by the male who was making sure her cuts weren't deep.

Kara was beating Deathstroke with her powers and was getting the upper hand on the fight until y/n spotted something in Deathstroke's hand behind his back. It had a green glow emitting from a rock that was carved into a shape of a knife. Without hesitation he shot a grapple to Kara which pulled her back a bit but she still got slashed on her arm by the kryptonite. Kara went to use her powers to blast him back with her breath but the kryptonite weakened her, meaning that he was only blown back a few feet.

Before Deathstroke could attack Kara more, y/n rushed and dove over Kara which pushed her out of the way of the knife. Instead it slashed at the male's back while he protected the young blonde.

"Retreat back with Donna, I'll give you some time." He turned and blocked a punch coming from Slade. Kara got up and was about to protest but saw that Donna needed some care to her wounds. She rushed over and helped her sat up while not pushing her too much.

Y/n was dealing with Deathstroke the best he could which was limited by his injuries that covered his body. Jabs and crosses were thrown by the two trained fighters, with parries and blocks were countered too. An uppercut from y/n made Slade stumble a bit so y/n got low and kicked his leg, causing him to go to one knee. Y/n then kneed him in the face and spun into a back kick to push him back. Unfortunately Slade pulled another knife from a pocket and began to slash at y/n. Y/n held his best against Slade and only needed to stall for a bit longer until Donna and Kara were out of the way. Slade then pulled out a gun and aimed it towards the Artibeus before a blue and white figure jumped down and kicked Slade. The person was fighting Slade and hitting him with good moves so you decided to help out by dishing out a couple of yours.

You looked at the person while fighting and saw that they were a female with white-blonde hair in a braid and blue goggles on. She had a weird looking cape that was shaped like feathers but was as hard as steel. You turned back to beating up Deathstroke with her since he was clearly an enemy of hers. You both got a good share of hits on him and were dynamic with each other despite never meeting each other before.

Slade was up against the wall with parts of his armour broken. Before you could knock him out he released a gas that caused you and the woman to cover your mouths and cough. Once the gas was gone, it cleared and Slade was gone. You turned to the female before she could go anywhere, turns out she wanted to talk too.

"Thanks for the help, but just who are you if you don't mind me asking?" You questioned the lady.
"I'm Dove, I saw you guys on the news the other day and thought it would be a good idea to team up. I've been going after Deathstroke for a bit now too." She stuck her hand out for you to shake which you did while looking at her curiously.

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