#10 Lovebirds

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"Come on kid. Get up." You gave Wally a hand to help him up from the floor.
"You know I'm only a couple of years younger right?"
"Doesn't matter. Again." You replied
You've been training Wally all morning from sunrise and have only taken small breaks. This was to teach him to manage his speed so that he could conserve it over time instead of using it all at once. You were both doing a one on one with martial arts to teach him how to fight instead of running and pushing people.

Punch after punch was thrown at you by Wally but you blocked every hit, even the ones when he used speed. He was gradually getting tired which helped you see your opening.
"How are you able to dodge my fast hits?!"
"Precise predictability." Was all you answered, still remaining focus.

Sweat was pouring from each of your brows as you pushed yourself harder than ever before. He went for a swing but you easily swerved out of the way and blocked his next attack that was much quicker. You grabbed Wally's fist, got down low and swept his leg from under him, causing him to tumble back onto the mat.
"You guys do this every day?!" He wheezed from the mat.
"More or less." You replied while walking over to the bench.

"Don't kill the kid just yet, we only got him recently." Dawn spoke from the doorway as she was leaning against the door and had her arms crossed.
"What? He needs to learn how to be tough out there. By the way Wally, always think about your defence as well as your offense." You chucked him a bottle from the bench which he grabbed and chugged eagerly. You made sure he wasn't looking before you kissed Dawn on her cheek.

"When are we going to tell them about, you know, us?" She asked as she held your hands.
"Let's do it today then, after I've taken my shower. We still good for later?" You had made plans to take Dawn to a fancy restaurant downtown.
"Of course babe. Now go and get cleaned up." She slapped your back as you moved past her and to the elevator to the bathroom. Dawn walked over to Wally to double check you didn't push him too far and went all out on him.

"He always like that?" He asked while standing up straight.
"You'll get used to it. Maybe it'll even grow on you." She stated before leaving the room to find the others with Wally trying to race behind but too exhausted.


You stepped into the nice, warm shower and let the water splash against your face and body. This was the most relax you felt since the other night with Dawn, you two were just snuggling in her bed with no worries. The water soothed you and helped clear your mind from any thoughts. This was a first because you're always thinking.

Outside, Donna walked into the bathroom until she heard y/n yell while blocking himself with the shower curtain.
"Occupied!" He yelled while embarrassed.
"Oh my God I'm so sorry I didn't know." She immediately backed out and slammed the door shut behind her. A huge blush formed on her face and made her go redder than a tomato. She covered her face and turned to walk away before she saw Dawn head towards where she left.

"Y/n's in there by the way." Donna spoke to Dawn, trying to hide the blush.
"Oh is he? I'll just wait then." Dawn replied with a smile and waited until Donna was out of sight before sneaking into the room.
"Uhm occupied." You yelled again before you felt a soft finger trace the scars on your back. This caused you to immediately spin around to face the person. Dawn stood naked in the shower with you while smirking.

"Dawn! What if someone sees you come out the bathroom with me?!" You silently yelled.
"Relax, I'm just washing myself while spending time with you." She winked before pulling you into a kiss. You both went at it and had lots of fun in the shower before you decided to get out to lower any suspicion from the others.


You and Dawn walked into the main room where everyone else were sitting on the couches. She had just talked to you about announcing to the others about your relationship.
"Fine, fine!" You raised your hands as she pushed you towards them more.
"Ahem, I, uh we have something to announce. Dawn why don't you-" she punched your arm which made you recoil forward a bit.
"Right ok, so Dawn and I have been dating and wanted you guys to know about it. Any questions?"

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